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引用本文:汤毓祥,李兴宰. 东海东北部春季若干重要水文结构的分析[J]. 海洋学研究, 1997, 15(4): 1-11
作者姓名:汤毓祥  李兴宰
摘    要:本文主要基于韩国海洋研究所在东海沿岸海洋过程试验中收集的CTD资料,分析了1995年春季出现在东海东北部的一些重要水文结构。结果表明,一种锋涡状结构出现在黑潮向东转折点附近。它不仅使邻近海域的水文结构变得更复杂,而且诱发黑潮水与陆架水间活跃的交换。在陆架坡折处观测到若干孤立的陆架水块,可能是锋涡的卷挟作用所致;该海域存在4个水团,即黑潮水、对马暖流水、陆架水和混合水。对马暖流水分为上下两层:上层水为变性黑潮水,盐度比黑潮水约低0.1,底层对马暖流水仅位于冲绳海槽区,并有着与黑潮中层水相同的温、盐特性;一种双锋结构出现在邻近黑潮的陆架边缘附近。在内陆架形成的陆架锋,由北向南伸展时,愈来愈偏向陆架边缘。而黑潮锋沿九州以西深槽的陆架边缘向北伸展。在黑潮转折点附近,两锋几乎合并为一条锋。狭窄的锋带由黑潮水及其变性水和陆架水的混合水所占据。

关 键 词:春季  水文结构  东海东北部

Some important hydrographic structures in the Northeastern East China Sea in spring
Tang Yuxiang. Some important hydrographic structures in the Northeastern East China Sea in spring[J]. Journal of Marine Sciences, 1997, 15(4): 1-11
Authors:Tang Yuxiang
Abstract:Some important hydrographic structures in the Northeastern East China Sea are analysed mainly on the basis of CTD data of Coastal Ocean Processes Experiment East China Sea (COPEX ECS) collected in the spring of 1995 Major results are as follows (1)A frontal eddy was found near the eastward turning point of the Kuroshio The eddy not only made the hydrographic structure in its neighborhood complicated, but also provoked active exchange between the Kuroshio Water (KW) and the Shelf Water (SW) Several isolated lumps of the SW existed in the KW near the shelf break and this is considered to be due to entrainment by the eddy (2)There were four representative water types: KW, Tsushima Warm Current Water (TWCW), SW and a Mixed Water (MW) The TWCW is divided into two levels: the upper TWCW corresponded to the intruded KW with its salinity reduced by 0 1 as compared to the KW; the lower TWCW was only located the Okinawa trough and kept the same temperature salinity features as those of the intermediate KW (3)A double frontal structure appeared at the shelf edge near the Kuroshio The shelf front, formed on the inner shelf in the northern survey area, was displaced farther outward to the shelf edge from the north toward the south and met the Kuroshio front in the neighborhood of the Kuroshio The narrow frontal band was occupied by a mixed water of the KW and SW
Keywords:springtime   hydrograpic structure   northeastern East China Sea  
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