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Synoptic interpretation of seismic reflection and refraction data
Authors:St. Mueller  J. Ansorge  N. Sierro  P. Finckh  D. Emter
Affiliation:Institut für Geophysik, ETH-Hönggerberg, CH-8093 Zurich, Switzerland;Universitaten Karlsruhe und Stuttgart, Heubach 206, D-7620 Wolfach, F.R. Germany.
Abstract:Summary. The structure of the upper lithosphere beneath southern Germany, northern Switzerland and west-central Utah (U.S.A.) has been investigated in detail by various geophysical methods. A synoptic interpretation of travel time and amplitude data obtained in seismic refraction and wide-angle reflection surveys, combined with near-normal incidence reflection observations, now permits the elucidation of the fine structure in a more quantitative and unified manner. With this scheme it is possible to unambiguously identify low-velocity zones and to deduce velocity gradients if reliable amplitude information is included in the inversion process.
Keywords:seismic structure    synoptic interpretation    southern Germany    northern Switzerland    central Utah
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