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引用本文:乔彦肖 马中社 吕凤军. 汶川地震地质灾害发育特点及动因机制分析[J]. 中国地质, 2009, 36(3): 736-741
作者姓名:乔彦肖 马中社 吕凤军
作者单位:1. 河北省遥感中心,河北,石家庄,050021
2. 河北省地质调查院,河北,石家庄,050081
摘    要:汶川地震地质灾害具有发生范围大、密度大、明显的成群成带性、灾害类型以崩塌滑坡为主、且崩塌远多于滑坡以及次生地质灾害将长期存在的特点.这些特点主要是由于地震波自(地壳)内而外的、纵波和横波的连环传播导致山体先是结构性损伤,继而使表层岩土体失稳而造成的.岩性、地形地貌以及岩层倾向的差异也在一定程度上影响着灾害类型的发育和空间分布.汶川地震次生地质灾害防治将是一个任务艰巨、过程漫长、前所未有、充满科技挑战的一项系统工程.

关 键 词:汶川地震  地质灾害  特点  动因机制  地震波

Characteristics and dynamic cause mechanism of the Wenchuan Earthquake geological hazards
QIAO Yan-xiao,MA Zhong-she,LV Feng-jun. Characteristics and dynamic cause mechanism of the Wenchuan Earthquake geological hazards[J]. Geology in China, 2009, 36(3): 736-741
Authors:QIAO Yan-xiao  MA Zhong-she  LV Feng-jun
Affiliation:1.Remote Sensing Centre of Hebei Province;Shijiazhuang 050021;Hebei;China;2.Hebei Institue of Geological Survey;Shijiazhuang 050081;China
Abstract:Geological hazards of the Wenchuan Great Earthquake are characterized by a wide affecting range and a high density. The main types of the geological hazards are collapse and landslide, the collapse occurs far more frequently than the landslide, and the secondary geological hazards are likely to be existent for a long period in future. These characteristics are caused mainly by the spread of the seismic waves from the inside of the earth's crust to the surface as well as the spread of the P wave after S wave...
Keywords:Wenchuan Earthquake  geological hazards  characteristics  mechanism of dynamic cause  seismic wave  
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