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Entity-oriented spatial coding scheme and its application for spatial topology
Affiliation:Department of Marine Informatics,Ocean College,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou,China
Abstract:Based on a newly proposed spatial data model Spatial Chromatic Model(SCM),we developed a spatial coding scheme,called the full-coded Ordinary Arranged Chromatic Diagram(full-OACD).As a type of spatial tessellation,full-OACD partitions a geographic space into a number of subspaces,such as cells,edges,and vertices.These subspaces are called spatial particles and are assigned with unique codes chromatic codes.The generation,structure,computation,and properties of full-OACD are introduced.Relations between particulate chromatic codes and spatial topology are investigated.Full-OACD is a kind of new discrete spatial coordinate system where the information of real-world entities is embedded.Full-OACD provides an informative and meaningful spatial coding framework for spatial topological analysis and many other potential applications in geospatial information science.
Keywords:Spatial data model  spatial coding  spatial tessellation  spatial topology
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