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引用本文:邢宇,姜琦刚,王耿明,王坤. 基于RS和GIS的松辽平原黑土流失研究[J]. 西安地质学院学报, 2010, 0(2): 189-194
作者姓名:邢宇  姜琦刚  王耿明  王坤
作者单位:[1]吉林大学地球探测科学与技术学院,吉林长春130026 [2]广东省地质调查院,广东广州510080
摘    要:基于RS和GIS技术,利用1986年TM数据和2001年ETM数据,对松辽平原黑土分布现状与动态变化进行监测研究,分析了黑土流失特点及其时空分布规律,并引入冲沟线密度概念量化黑土流失趋势。结果表明:松辽平原典型黑土面积54 989.92 km^2,沿京哈铁路线呈弧形条带状展布;1986-2001年间,黑土区水土流失面积达3 765.21 km^2,减少速度为251.01 km^2/a,集中在河流两岸、较大建筑用地附近和与盐碱土接壤的地区;仅考虑冲沟的有效作用域,预计到2016年黑土面积平均会有1411.0 km^2/a转变为冲沟,黑土流失状况不容乐观。

关 键 词:黑土  水土流失  冲沟  遥感  地理信息系统  松辽平原

Study on Black Soil Loss in Songliao Plain Based on RS and GIS
XING Yu,JIANG Qi-gang,WANG Geng-ming,WANG Kun. Study on Black Soil Loss in Songliao Plain Based on RS and GIS[J]. , 2010, 0(2): 189-194
Authors:XING Yu  JIANG Qi-gang  WANG Geng-ming  WANG Kun
Affiliation:1.School of Geoexploration Science and Technology,Jilin University,Changchun 130026,Jilin,China;2.Guangdong Institute of Geological Survey,Guangzhou 510080,Guangdong,China)
Abstract:Based on RS and GIS,current distribution and dynamic changes of black soil were analyzed,the spatial-temporal characteristics of black soil loss were discussed with TM data in 1986 and ETM data in 2001,the gully linear density to quantify the trend of black soil loss was introduced in Songliao Plain.The results show that the area of typical black soil in Songliao Plain is 54 989.92 km2,the distribution appears arc-shaped banded along the line of railway from Beijing to Harbin;the area of black soil reduces by 3 765.21 km^2 from 1986 to 2001 with an average decrease of 251.01 km^2/a,and mainly distributes in both sides of river,or near large construction sites,or in the peripheral of saline-alkali soil;if only considering the effective effect of gully,it is estimated that the black soil could transform into gully with a velocity of 1 411.0 km^2/a in 2016,and the black soil loss is serious.
Keywords:black soil  water loss and soil erosion  gully  RS  GIS  Songliao Plain
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