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引用本文:尹红萍,曹晓岗. 盛夏上海地区副热带高压型强对流特点分析[J]. 气象, 2010, 36(8): 19-25
作者姓名:尹红萍  曹晓岗
摘    要:发生在副热带高压控制下的强对流容易出现错报。对上海地区2001—2005年7—9月份19个副热带高压型强对流个例进行分析,并和副热带高压控制时上海地区未发生强对流的个例进行对比。结果表明:副热带高压型强对流较易在副热带高压的北侧发生,强对流发生开始时间主要在中午到傍晚;副热带高压型强对流的发生除需要有较好的层结不稳定条件外,对抬升条件也有较高要求,如边界层整层在上海附近存在中尺度辐合线。

关 键 词:副热带高压  强对流  稳定度  辐合线

Summary on Subtropical High Severe Convection During Midsummer in Shanghai Area
YIN Hongping and CAO Xiaogang. Summary on Subtropical High Severe Convection During Midsummer in Shanghai Area[J]. Meteorological Monthly, 2010, 36(8): 19-25
Authors:YIN Hongping and CAO Xiaogang
Abstract:In general, the subtropical high severe convection can be easily misforecasted. For this reason, the 19 samples of subtropical high severe convection from 1 July to 30 September during 2001-2005 in Shanghai area were analyzed and compared to the samples without severe convection when Shanghai area was dominated by subtropical high aloft. The results have shown that subtropical high severe convection occurred more frequently in the north part of subtropical high and time period mainly from noon to evening. Subtropical high severe convection happened in the condition of strong instability and strong lifting such as boundary layer mesoscale convergence line nearby Shanghai.
Keywords:subtropical high   severe convection   stability index   convergence line
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