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Pedogenic zones in postglacial sediment of lake manitoba,Canada
Authors:James T. Teller  William M. Last
The postglacial sediment record of Lake Manitoba is composed dominantly of silty clay to clayey silt with little variation in most physical, chemical, and mineralogical properties. Distinct in the sedimentary sequence of this large lake, however, are four zones that have a low moisture content, blocky to pelletal structure, and gleyed colour. All of these zones formed during the warmest and driest postglacial period in the region, 9500 to 4500 years ago. Although several possible hypotheses can be formulated regarding the origin of these zones including changes in sedimentation rate, clay mineralogy, lake chemistry, and depth of winter freezing, the most likely explanation is that they represent pedogenic horizons. Formation by pedogenesis during dry or extremely low water conditions is not mutually exclusive of the other hypotheses, and several are favoured by low water conditions.
Keywords:Lacustrine sediment  Pedogenesis  Water level
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