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引用本文:胡光道 李振华. 基于数据中心的国土资源信息系统基础平台的构建及技术问题[J]. 地球科学, 2002, 27(3): 306-310
作者姓名:胡光道 李振华
基金项目:国土资源部“十五”重点项目“国土资源空间数据分析应用软件开发”(No .2 0 0 10 30 5 )
摘    要:国土资源信息化建设是我国今后几年的工作重点.国土资源信息化的基础是国土信息的集成.在国土信息集成的工作中, 主要存在3个方面的问题: (1) 不同GIS间的数据无法共享; (2) 不同种类的国土数据无法集成; (3) 不同行政级别单位间数据无法共享.不同GIS的数据共享可以通过在GIS的ODBC层和数据库之间加一层GIS格式转换层来解决; 将不同种类的国土数据划分成不同的图层, 以空间控制点方式对这些图层进行叠合, 以使它们在空间关系上成为一个比较一致的统一系统; 借鉴数据仓库的管理模式, 不同的行政单位对应于不同的比例尺的数据, 高级别单位数据的综合度高, 存放的数据少, 低级别单位数据的细节性强, 存放的数据多, 整体上呈现出金字塔结构, 金字塔中不同层次的数据通过空间控制点进行传送.国土信息集成的目的是构筑一个国土信息系统的基础平台.国土资源信息系统基础平台是一个基于数据中心的、能统一管理信息的、支持现有流行GIS访问的、能与上下级数据中心无缝互连的国土资源基础设施系统.它处于整个国土信息系统的底层, 目的是向上层的信息系统提供一个能满足各种格式的数据需求的、而与具体的信息系统无关的独立的数据平台. 

关 键 词:国土信息化  信息集成  国土信息系统  数据中心  基础平台  不同种类数据叠合  数据仓库

Basic Platform of Land and Resources Information System Based on Data Center and Its Technical Questions
HU Guang dao ,WANG Shu hua ,LI Zhen hua. Basic Platform of Land and Resources Information System Based on Data Center and Its Technical Questions[J]. Earth Science-Journal of China University of Geosciences, 2002, 27(3): 306-310
Authors:HU Guang dao   WANG Shu hua   LI Zhen hua
Affiliation:HU Guang dao 1,WANG Shu hua 1,LI Zhen hua 2
Abstract:China will pay more attention to building the national land and resources information system in next few years. The foundation of this system is to integrate information. However, there are three problems in integrating land and resources information: (1) data short of share among different GIS; (2) data do not integrate among diverse types; (3) data do not transfer through data centers in various levels. The first can be solved by adding a middle layer to convert different GIS format data between the GIS ODBC layer and database. The second can be dealt by congruence of map layers that puts different types data in different map lays, then finding their space control points in order to superpose them, so different layers can become a due to their space relationships. The third can be managed by space data warehouse, in which data is divided into different levels by the scale, that is, headquarter stores the smallest scale data that are the most synthetic and therefore the least while bottom branch stores the largest scale data that are the most detail and, therefore the most, thus a data pyramid forms, and data can be transferred through different levels by space control points or a method what is called data abstract in the field of data warehouse. Integrating land and resource information aims to build a platform for the whole system. The platform is a land and resources information infrastructure that is based on data center, can manage all information, support all current popular GIS, and is able to transfer data seamless through different levels. In a word, the whole information system can be divided into two layers: the platform and upper function layer or MIS, and in theory, the former can supply any type, any block and even any scale data for the later.
Keywords:land and resources information  information integration  land and resources information system  data center  basic platform  congruence of different type data  data warehouse.
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