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Deceleration in the Earth's rotation due to the Sun
Authors:Milan Burša
Affiliation:(1) Astronomical Institute, Czechosl. Acad. Sci., Prague
Summary The estimate of the tidal long-term decrease in the angular velocity ohgr of the Earth's rotation due to the Sun is given as –(0.8±0.3)×10–22rad s–2. It was computed on the basis of the observed total long-term decrease in ohgr, of the observed tidal deceleration of the Moon and the observed decrease in the second-degree zonal Stokes geopotential harmonic term. Adopting the estimate given, the product of the Love number and the tidal phase lag angle due to the Sun (in degrees) comes out as 0.53±0.20.
Rcyiecyzcyyucymcyiecy Dcyaiecymscyyacy ocytscyiecyncykcya vcyiecykcyocyvcyocyzocy nrcyulcyuvcyncyocyuocy ucymcyiecyncysoftcyshcyiecyncyuyacy ucyzlcyocyvcyocyubreve scykcyocyrcyocyscymu ohgr vcyrcyashchcyiecyncyuyacy Zcyiecymcylcyu, vcyycyzcyvcyancyncyocyzocy Scyocylcyncytscyiecymcy: –(0,8±0,3) 10–22 rcya¶rt; scyiecykcy–2. Pcyocyscylcyiecy¶rt;ncyyacyyacy vcyycychcyuscylcyiecyncya nocy ncyabcylcyyucy¶rt;aiecymcyocymcyucy vcyiecykcyocyvcyocymcyucy ucymcyiecyncysoftcyshcyiecyncyuyucy ohgr, nocy ncyabcylcyyucy¶rt;aiecymcyocymcyucy nrcyulcyuvcyncyocymcyucy vcyiecykcyocyvcyocymcyucy ucymcyiecyncysoftcyshcyiecyncyuyucy scyrcyiecy¶rt;ncyiecyzocy ¶rt;vcyuzhcyiecyncyuyacy Lcyucyncyycy u nocy ncyabcylcyyucy¶rt;aiecymcyocymcyucy ucymcyiecyncysoftcyshcyiecyncyuyucy vcymocyrcyocyzocy zcyocyncyalcysoftcyncyocyzocy ziecyocynocymiecyncytscyualcysoftcyncyocyzocy narcyamcyiecymrcya Scymocykcyscya. IEcyscylcyu nrcyuncyyacymsoftcy nocylcyucychcyiecyncyncyocyiecy zcyncyachcyiecyncyuiecy, mocy nrcyocyuzcyvcyiecy¶rt;iecyncyuiecy chcyuscylcya Lcyyacyvcya ncya ucyzocylcy scymcyiecyshchcyiecyncyuyacy (vcy zrcya¶rt;ucyscyakhcy) fcyazcyycy scyocylcyncyiecychcyncyocyzocy nrcyulcyuvcya rcyavcyncyocy (0,53±0,20).
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