Abstract: | The spatial variability of chlorophyll a concentrations was studied from the data of two near-shore expeditions and the cruise of the R/V Akademik M.A. Lavrent’ev in October–November 2010 over the northwestern part of the Sea of Japan. The sections across eddies showed a maximum of chlorophyll a at a depth of 40 m. According to the data from the cruise, the chlorophyll a concentration was maximum in the north of the sea and decreased to the south. In parallel, the procedures for chlorophyll a determination were compared for spectrophotometry with a fluorescence probe and a fluorescence flow system. The probe data of chlorophyll a fluorescence showed a high correlation with the chlorophyll a concentrations by spectrophotometry. On the contrary, data on chlorophyll a concentrations from spectrophotometry did not agree with those from the flow system. It was shown that a fluorimeter in the flow system recorded dissolved organic matter along with the chlorophyll a fluorescence. |