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A search for H i in some peculiar faint dwarf galaxies
Authors:Ayesha Begum   Jayaram N. Chengalur
Affiliation:National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, Post Bag 3, Ganeshkhind, Pune 411 007, India
Abstract:We present a deep Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) search for H  i 21-cm emission from three dwarf galaxies, viz. POX 186, SC 24 and KKR 25. Based, in part, on previous single-dish H  i observations, these galaxies have been classified as a blue compact dwarf (BCD), a dwarf irregular and a transition galaxy, respectively. However, in conflict with previous single-dish detections, we do not detect H  i in SC 24 or KKR 25. We suggest that the previous single-dish measurements were probably confused with the local Galactic emission. In the case of POX 186, we confirm the previous non-detection of H  i but with substantially improved limits on its H  i mass. Our derived upper limits on the H  i mass of SC 24 and KKR 25 are similar to the typical H  i mass limit for dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxies, whereas in the case of POX 186, we find that its gas content is somewhat smaller than is typical of BCD galaxies.
Keywords:galaxies: dwarf    galaxies: individual: KKR 25    galaxies: individual: POX 186    galaxies: individual: SC 24    radio lines: galaxies
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