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Method of monitoring atomic oxygen and molecular nitrogen composition in the upper atmosphere on XUV images of the Sun
Authors:V. G. Mordovskaya  A. P. Ignat’ev  S. I. Boldyrev  S. A. Boldyrev  G. S. Ivanov-Kholodnyi  O. P. Kolomiitsev
Affiliation:1.Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radiowave Propagation,Russian Academy of Sciences,Troitsk, Moscow oblast,Russia;2.Lebedev Institute of Physics,Russian Academy of Sciences,Moscow,Russia
Abstract:A method for determining the basic atmosphere O/N2 based on the solar observations is described. It is shown that, on XUV images of the Sun received by transillumination of the atmosphere, it is possible to observe its state controlling the O/N2 ratio. The method allows local inhomogeneities of the upper atmosphere to be studied. Its abilities were demonstrated according to the SPIRIT complex on board the Coronas-F satellite.
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