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作者姓名:LIU N  WU Dexing  LIN Xiaopei  MENG Qingjia
作者单位:Key Laboratory of Research on Marine Hazards Forecasting, National Marine Environmental Forecasting Center, State Oceanic Administration, Beijing 100081, China;LASG, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China;Physical Oceanography Laboratory, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100, China;Physical Oceanography Laboratory, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100, China;State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012, China;LASG, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China
基金项目:The National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract Nos 41221063 and 41222037;the China's National Basic Research Priorities Programmer under contract No. 2013CB956202;the Project of Global Change and Air-Sea interaction under contract No. GASI-03- 01-01-02;the National Special Research Fund for Non-Profit Marine Sector under contract No. 201205018;the State Oceanic Administration Marine Science Foundation for Youth under contract No. 2012204;the Open Research Program of the Key Laboratory of Ocean Circulation and Wave, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, under contract Nos KLOCAW1201 and KLOCAW1102.
摘    要:Using a net surface heat flux (Qnet) product obtained from the objectively analyzed air-sea fluxes (OAFlux) project and the international satellite cloud climatology project (ISCCP), and temperature from the simple ocean data assimilation (SODA), the seasonal variations of the air-sea heat fluxes in the northwestern Pa cific marginal seas (NPMS) and their roles in sea surface temperature (SST) seasonality are studied. The seasonal variations of Qnet, which is generally determined by the seasonal cycle of latent heat flux (LH), are in response to the advection-induced changes of SST over the Kuroshio and its extension. Two dynamic regimes are identified in the NPMS: one is the area along the Kuroshio and its extension, and the other is the area outside the Kuroshio. The oceanic thermal advection dominates the variations of SST and hence the sea-air humidity plays a primary role and explains the maximum heat losing along the Kuroshio. The heat transported by the Kuroshio leads to a longer period of heat losing over the Kuroshio and its Extension. Positive anomaly of heat content corresponds with the maximum heat loss along the Kuroshio. The oceanic advection controls the variations of heat content and hence the surface heat flux. This study will help us understand the mechanism controlling variations of the coupled ocean-atmosphere system in the NPMS. In the Kuroshio region, the ocean current controls the ocean temperature along the main stream of the Ku roshio, and at the same time, forces the air-sea fluxes.

关 键 词:海洋表面温度  季节性变化  潜热通量  西北太平洋  边缘海  海气  海水表面温度  性能管理
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