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Application of 55 multi-dimensional tectonomagmatic discrimination diagrams to Precambrian belts
Authors:Surendra P. Verma  Sanjeet K. Verma  Elson P. Oliveira
Affiliation:1. Departamento de Sistemas Energéticos, Instituto de Energías Renovables, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Temixco, Mexicospv@ier.unam.mx;3. Department of Geology and Natural Resources, Institute of Geosciences, University of Campinas – UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil
Abstract:Fifty-five new multi-dimensional diagrams, mostly based on log-ratio transformations, were used to decipher tectonic settings for 17 cases of Precambrian belts in Canada, the USA, Poland, Finland, Jordan, Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia, China, and India. The results of different sets of diagrams for basic-ultrabasic, intermediate, and acid magmas were generally internally consistent. Possible reasons for some inconsistencies may be related to the use of a sample group of mixed ages because of their uncertainties, extreme element mobility caused by metamorphism especially of high-grade type, analytical data quality, different petrogenetic processes for basic to acid magmas such as mantle versus crustal origin, and some deficiencies that still exist in the multi-dimensional diagrams. To partly overcome the last problem, one new multi-dimensional diagram is proposed and used to discriminate mid-ocean ridge and oceanic plateau settings.
Keywords:tectonic setting  Archaean  Proterozoic  log-ratio transformation  geochemistry
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