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High-temperature geothermal reservoir possibilities in Hungary
Authors:L. Stegena,F. Horvá  th,K. Landy,Z. Nagy,J. Rumpler
Affiliation:Roland Eötvös University, Ludovika 2, H-1083 Budapest;Geophysical Exploration Company, Andrássy ut 59, H-1062 Budapest, Hungary.
Abstract:Theoretical studies have shown the possibility of high-temperature ('high enthalpy') geothermal reservoirs in the pre-Tertiary rocks at 4–5 km depth range within the Pannonian Basin. This expectation was proven by the hotwater/steam blowout of Fábiánsebestyén-4 borehole (16.12.85–31.1.86). Exploration efforts carried out during 1987–88 in the broad vicinity of the borehole proved that reservoirs of this type can be found with the combination of seismic reflection, silica-thermometry and magnetotelluric sounding methods. Deliberate prospection should be continued in all suitable areas within the basin, since high enthalpy reservoirs promise profitable operation of geothermal power stations.
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