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引用本文:曾小箕,丁建丽,鄢雪英,王刚,李鑫,张喆. 基于MODIS数据的土库曼斯坦山区积雪监测[J]. 干旱区地理, 2013, 36(4): 717-723
作者姓名:曾小箕  丁建丽  鄢雪英  王刚  李鑫  张喆
作者单位:新疆大学资源与环境科学学院 绿洲生态教育部重点实验室, 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830046
摘    要:
积雪是影响气候变化的重要因子,准确、及时的获取积雪覆盖范围,进行动态变化监测意义重大。利用MODIS数据进行土库曼斯坦积雪监测,提取积雪信息的研究较少。利用MODIS L1B 500 m分辨率数据,通过几何校正、去云预处理,应用归一化差分积雪指数(NDSI)算法和综合阈值判别法,获取了土库曼斯坦2011年11月~2012年4月山区积雪覆盖范围和面积等数据信息,揭示了土库曼斯坦山区积雪发生的时空特征。土库曼斯坦南部的科佩特山区是该国降雪的核心地区,积雪面积均在1月达到最大值,随后积雪面积随温度的升高而减少。山区积雪面积、月均气温、月降雨量之间存在着显著的相关性,其相关系数分别为0.742 9和0.568 4。结果表明,在监测时段积雪面积随气温的降低、降雨量的减少而增加。

关 键 词:积雪  土库曼斯坦  MODIS  监测  

Snow monitoring using MODIS in Turkmenistan Mountains
ZENG Xiao-ji,DING Jian-li,YAN Xue-ying,WANG Gang,LI Xin,ZHANG Zhe. Snow monitoring using MODIS in Turkmenistan Mountains[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2013, 36(4): 717-723
Authors:ZENG Xiao-ji  DING Jian-li  YAN Xue-ying  WANG Gang  LI Xin  ZHANG Zhe
Affiliation:College of Resource and Environmental Science, Key Laboratory of Oasis Ecology of Education Ministry, Xinjiang University, Urumqi  830046, Xinjiang,China
Snowcover is very important for the climatic change. So it is of great significance to exactly and timely extract snowcover information for dynamic change monitor. The arid areas are very sensitive in response to global climate change,the snowcover and glaciers are particularly prominent for climate change of the arid areas. Turkmenistan is one of typically dry continental climate countries. Therefore, it is important to understand the snowcover spatial and temporal variation in the Turkmenistan mountains. On the one hand, this study can provide decision-making basis for local agricultural development,on the other hand, can provide reliable information for local water resource management and ecological environment development. The application of MODIS to Turkmenistan snowcover monitoring and extracting snow information are still a less research field in this country. The MODIS data were collected covering the study area during November 2011 to April 2012. The MODIS L1B 500 m resolution data were preprocessed by geometric correction,eliminating cloud effects,dealing with the effect of“Bow-tie” and radiometric calibration. Then according to normalized difference snow index (NDSI)algorithm and comprehensive threshold discriminance, the snowcover area and snowcover information were extracted in the Turkmenistan Mountains region between November 2011 to April 2012,and the snowcover spatial and temporal characteristics were revealed during the monitoring period in the Turkmenistan mountains. The core area of snowcover distribution is in Kopet Mountains in the southern of Turkmenistan. Its total snowcover areas show the fluctuation characteristics with two peaks and one valley,one peak in January and another in March 2012,respectively and one valley in February 2012. The minimum sonwcover area happened in November 2011,the snowcover area reached to 39 km2,mainly due to the weather keeping steady “high” temperature state and a little snowfall. In the beginning of December 2011,the temperature plummeted, resulting in a wide range of snowfall in the mountains, snowcover area sharply reached to 4 027.75 km2 only through one-month period. The maximum snowcover area reached in January 2012 with the total area of 14 340.5 km2,compared to December the growth rate of January 2012 was 71.6%,snowcover area increasesd with elevation increases. Snowcover area reached its maximum in January 2012. Subsequently, the snowcover area reduced with temperature increasing. Monthly snowcover areas have a significant correlation between the average monthly temperature and monthly rainfall during the monitoring period. The correlation coefficients were 0.742 9 and 0.568 4,respectively. The results indicate that the snowcover areas have an increasing trend from the north to the south during heavy snowfall period. The snowcover areas gradually reduce from the southeast to the northwest during the ablation period. The minimum sonwcover area was mainly in the north of the study area, and the stable seasonal snowcover reached maximum in the middle of the south. And the snowcover area reduced with temperature increase and rainfall decrease during the study period.
Keywords:snow cover  Turkmenistan  MODIS  monitor  
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