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A study on feasibility of SI for identification of earthquake damages in Taiwan
Authors:Yeong-Sheng Ueong
Affiliation:1. Department of Construction Engineering, Nan Jeon Institute of Technology, 178 Chau-Chin Road, Yen-Shui, Tainan Hsien, Taiwan, ROC;2. Institute of Seismology, National Chung Cheng University, 168 University Road, Min-Hsiung, Chia-Yi, Taiwan, ROC
Using the actual damage data of the strong earthquakes in Taiwan, the effectiveness of the earthquake risk indices, namely, peak ground acceleration (PGA) and spectral intensity (SI), is verified. PGA and Housner's [Housner GW. Spectrum intensity of strong-motion earthquakes. In: Proceedings of symposium on earthquakes and blast effects on structures. EERI, UCLA; 1952] definition of SI are directly compared. A three-parameter spectral intensity system with spectral intensities SIa, SIv, and SId in the acceleration, velocity, and displacement regions, respectively, is discussed. Here, the effectiveness of SI, SIa, SIv, and SId has been compared by using the available earthquake-damage data in Taiwan. Three period ranges, namely, 0.1–0.6, 0.6–1.6, and 1.6–3.0 s were used for structures of 1–6 stories, 7–20 stories, and 21 and more stories, respectively. The results indicate that the three-parameter system is a good risk index of the damage potential of earthquakes.
Keywords:Spectral intensity   Response spectrum   Ground motion   Site effect   Risk index
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