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General Steady-State Shape Factor for a Partially Penetrating Well
Authors:by Vitaly A. Zlotnik  David Goss   Glenn M. Duffield
Affiliation:Department of Geosciences, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 214 Bessey Hall, Lincoln, NE 68588-0340, USA;Currently at Department of Physics and Astronomy, Nebraska Wesleyan University 5000 St. Paul Ave., Lincoln, NE 68504-2794, USA;HydroSOLVE, Inc., 2303 Horseferry Court, Reston, VA 20191-2739, USA
Abstract:We present the closed form of a general steady-state shape factor for a partially penetrating well in a uniform anisotropic aquifer. Our simple analytical expression for the shape factor has a uniform representation for full range of parameters and meets or exceeds the accuracy of previous results obtained through semiempirical methods (e.g., Bouwer and Rice [1976] equations). This general shape factor pertains to the flow of fluids (water or air) in subsurface formations when the upper formation boundary has constant potential and the lower boundary is impermeable. The results of our investigation are directly applicable to analyses of (1) slug tests with falling or rising head and (2) injection/extraction tests with constant head, essential techniques for the characterization of hydraulic conductivity of aquifers, streambeds, or lakebeds as well as the design of aquifer and soil remediation systems.
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