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Microfossils from the Arymas and Debengda formations, the Riphean of the Olenek Uplift: Age and presumable nature
Authors:A. M. Stanevich  E. N. Maksimova  T. A. Kornilova  D. P. Gladkochub  A. M. Mazukabzov  T. V. Donskaya
Affiliation:(1) Institute of the Earth Crust, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia;(2) State Pedagogical University of Irkutsk, Irkutsk, Russia
Abstract:Studied assemblages of diverse organic-walled microfossils separated from the Arymas and Debengda formations of the Olenek Uplift include several paleobiological groups of microorganisms. Sufficiently large morphotypes of the first group are identified with remains of cyanobacteria. Morphotypes of variable spiral structure, which dwelt in association or in symbiosis with cyanobionts, are attributed to the same bacterial community. The other group includes a series of different acritarch genera whose characters suggest their affinity with green algae of the order Desmidiales. It is very likely that this group coexisted on siliciclastic shoals with large ancestral forms of the present-day brown algae. Several microfossil taxa have been known before from the Neoproterozoic deposits only. With due regard for the relatively gradual accumulation of sedimentary succession lacking large hiatuses and for the regular series of K-Ar dates characterizing three Riphean formations of the Olenek Uplift, it is possible to suggest that there was the Arymas-Debengda-Khaipakh cycle of long-lasted, almost uninterrupted sedimentation within the time span of 1250–900 Ma. It is also admissible that age ranges of some Late Precambrian microfossils are much larger than their distribution intervals postulated formerly.
Keywords:Late Proterozoic  Siberian craton (platform)  Olenek Uplift  sedimentation settings  microfossils  acritarchs  algae  bacteria
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