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Ecosystem-based management institutional design: Balance between federal,state, and local governments within the Gulf of Mexico Alliance
Authors:Cristina Carollo  Dave J. Reed
Affiliation:Florida Institute of Oceanography, 830 First Street South, St Petersburg, FL 33701, USA
Abstract:We present a case study of the organizational framework of the Gulf of Mexico Alliance (GOMA), which was implemented to promote the use of ecosystem-based management (EBM) at a regional level. GOMA is a state-led initiative formed to protect and restore coastal and marine resources of the Gulf of Mexico. Representatives of the US Gulf States, together with their federal partners, clearly defined ecological, social, and economic short- and long-term objectives to be reached through regional collaborations. The aim of this paper is to show how GOMA, and particularly the Ecosystem Integration and Assessment Priority Issue Team, in its attempt to apply ecosystem approaches to manage marine resources, modified the common organizational scheme by implementing partnerships at various governmental (federal, state, local) and nongovernmental levels. We address the following major points considered to be of importance for EBM implementation: (1) multilevel cooperation, (2) stakeholders’ involvement, (3) sharing of information, (4) bridging science and policy, and (5) consensus-based decision making.
Keywords:Ecosystem-based management   Governance   Gulf of Mexico Alliance   Organizational framework
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