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Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous magnetic stratigraphy from the sümeg section,Hungary
Authors:Emö Márton
Affiliation:Lorand Eötvös Geophysical Institute of Hungary, Budapest Hungary
Abstract:The pelagic limestones exposed at Sümeg appear to represent continuous deposition from Kimmeridgian through Berriasian. Detrital magnetite and haematite pigment are the carriers of remanence in the red and non-red limestones in the lower part, while magnetite becomes predominant in the upper half of the section. Thermal demagnetization has succesfully removed overprint magnetizations, and a well-defined magnetic stratigraphy has been obtained. The Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous mixed polarity interval is correlated with the sequence of geomagnetic reversals derived from oceanic magnetic anomalies.
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