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引用本文:于俊杰, 蒋仁, 劳金秀, 张宗言, 曾剑威, 彭博, 赵玲, 杨祝良. 长江三角洲古河谷区冰后期孢粉组合及古气候意义[J]. 中国地质调查, 2015, (2): 61-68.
作者姓名:于俊杰  蒋仁  劳金秀  张宗言  曾剑威  彭博  赵玲  杨祝良
作者单位:中国地质调查局南京地质调查中心,江苏 南京,210016;; 中国地质调查局南京地质调查中心,江苏 南京,210016;; 中国地质调查局南京地质调查中心,江苏 南京,210016;; 中国地质调查局南京地质调查中心,江苏 南京,210016;; 中国地质调查局南京地质调查中心,江苏 南京,210016;; 中国地质调查局南京地质调查中心,江苏 南京,210016;; 中国地质调查局南京地质调查中心,江苏 南京,210016;; 中国地质调查局南京地质调查中心,江苏 南京,210016
摘    要:
依据长江三角洲古河谷区典型钻孔CSJA6孔中冰后期孢粉分布情况,结合有孔虫分析以及6个样品的AMS 14C年龄,自下而上初步建立了冰后期3个有时间标定的孢粉组合,分别为:Ⅰ. Quercus-Lipuidambar-Artemisia-Polypodiacea组合,时代属于早全新世;Ⅱ. Quercus-Castanopsis-Cyperaceae-Pteris组合,时代属于早-中全新世;Ⅲ. Quercus-Ulmus-Artemisia-Polypodiacea组合,时代属于中-晚全新世.3个孢粉组合带所反映的古气候演变过程为凉干-热湿-温干,这与中国的气候大环境较为一致,且与本区前人研究成果亦做了相应的对比,依然具有较好的可对比性.

关 键 词:长江三角洲   古河谷   冰后期   孢粉组合   古气候

The Sporo Pollen Assemblage from Postglacial Period in the Paleo-incised Valley of the Yangtze River Delta and Its Palaeoclimate Significance
The Sporo Pollen Assemblage from Postglacial Period in the Paleo-incised Valley of the Yangtze River Delta and Its Palaeoclimate Significance[J]. Geological Survey of China, 2015, (2): 61-68.
Authors:YU Jun-jie  JIANG Ren  LAO Jin-xiu  ZHANG Zong-yan  ZENG Jian-wei  PENG Bo  ZHAO Ling  YANG Zhu-liang
Affiliation:Nanjing Centre, China Geological Survey, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210016, China
According to the postglacial sporo-pollen distribution from the typical borehole CSJA6 in the paleo-incised valley of the Yangtze River Delta, combining with the forams analysis and AMS 14C dating of 6 samples, 3 sporo-pollen assemblages with time calibration from below were established: I. Quercus-Lipuidambar-Artemisia-Polypodiacea assemblage, belonging to the early Holocene; II. Quercus-Castanopsis-Cyperaceae-Pteris assemblage, belonging to the early-middle Holocene; III. Quercus-Ulmus-Artemisia-Polypodiacea assemblage, belonging to the middle-late Holocene. These three sporo pollen assemblages reflect the paleoclimate evolution process as cold and dry-hot and wet-warm and dry, which is consistent with the climate environment of China. This research is basically identical with the results of previous studies in this region.
Keywords:Yangtze River Delta   paleo-incised valley   postglacial period   sporo-pollen assemblage   palaeoclimate
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