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引用本文:武跃勇, 寇帅, 姜海蛟. 内蒙古苏尼特左旗查干敖包地区通古尔组的发现与研究进展[J]. 中国地质调查, 2015, (8): 43-47.
作者姓名:武跃勇  寇帅  姜海蛟
作者单位:内蒙古自治区地质调查院,呼和浩特,010020;; 内蒙古自治区地质调查院,呼和浩特,010020;; 内蒙古自治区地质调查院,呼和浩特,010020
基金项目:中国地质调查局“内蒙古1:5万巴润布拉格(L49E022016)、萨音呼都格(L49E022017)、查干敖包庙(L49E023015)、昌特敖包(L49E023016)、反修牧场(L49E023017)区调(编号: 1212011120715)”项目资助。
摘    要:在内蒙古锡林郭勒盟苏尼特左旗查干敖包地区开展的1∶5万比例尺区域地质调查工作中,新发现一套河湖相的沉积建造,主要岩性为泥灰岩、灰岩、砾岩、砂砾岩、细砂岩等;采集到的化石主要为腹足、双壳、介形虫等,也有大量的植物碎屑及个别动物骨胳化石.经岩性组合特征对比和化石鉴定,该套沉积建造属新近系中新统通古尔组.该地区通古尔组的发现,证明中新世二连盆地进一步拗陷,北部边缘向北推移至查干敖包镇乌日根塔拉巴嘎一带.

关 键 词:苏尼特左旗   查干敖包   通古尔组

Discovery and Progress of Tongguer Formation in Chaganaobao Area of Sonid Left Banner,Inner Mongolia
WU Yue-yong, KOU Shuai, JIANG Hai-jiao. Discovery and Progress of Tongguer Formation in Chaganaobao Area of Sonid Left Banner, Inner Mongolia[J]. Geological Survey of China, 2015, (8): 43-47.
Authors:WU Yue-yong  KOU Shuai  JIANG Hai-jiao
Affiliation:Geological Survey Institute of Inner Mongolia, Hohhot 010020, China
Abstract:During the 1:50 000 regional geological survey in Chaganaobao area of Sonid Left Banner in Xilinguole League, Inner Mongolia, the newly discovered fluvio-lacustrine sedimentary formation are mainly composed of marl, limestone, conglomerate, sandy conglomerate and fine sandstone. Besides, a lot of gastropods, bivalve, ostracods, and a large number of plant debris and animal bones fossils are discovered in the study strata. The sedimentary formation is part of the Tongguer Formation of Miocene of Neogene according to the analysis of lithological assemblage and fossil identification. It is proposed that the northern margin of Erlian basin locates at the Wurigentalabaga area of Chaganaobao town, and the Erlian depression form in Miocene according to the existence of Tongguer Formation in the study area.
Keywords:Sonid Left Banner  Chaganaobao area  Tonguer Formation
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