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引用本文:郑坤,刘修国,吴信才,杨慧. 顾及拓扑面向实体的三维矢量数据模型[J]. 吉林大学学报(地球科学版), 2006, 36(3): 474-479
作者姓名:郑坤  刘修国  吴信才  杨慧
作者单位:1.中国地质大学 信息工程学院,武汉 430074;2.中国船舶重工业集团 第709研究所,武汉 430074
摘    要:拓扑关系数据模型和面向实体的数据模型是两种典型的三维矢量数据模型。拓扑关系数据模型在表达复杂的地理实体的局部更新等方面存在一定的困难,而面向实体的数据模型存在拓扑关系处理复杂,存贮量大等缺点。针对这两个模型的优缺点,设计一个顾及拓扑面向实体的三维矢量数据模型,这是一种综合面向实体和拓扑关系的混合数据模型。这种模型具备了面向对象以及拓扑关系模型的优点,解决了地上三维景观、TIN和城市三维地质等应用对数据模型的要求。

关 键 词:3D-GIS  三维矢量数据模型  拓扑关系  面向实体  

A Topology-Concerned and Entity-Oriented 3D Vector Data Model
ZHENG Kun,LIU Xiu-guo,WU Xin-cai,YANG Hui. A Topology-Concerned and Entity-Oriented 3D Vector Data Model[J]. Journal of Jilin Unviersity:Earth Science Edition, 2006, 36(3): 474-479
Authors:ZHENG Kun  LIU Xiu-guo  WU Xin-cai  YANG Hui
Affiliation:1.Faculty of Information Engineering,China University of Geosciences,Wuhan 430074,China;2.709th Research Institute,China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation,Wuhan 430074,China
Abstract:Topological data model and entity-oriented model are two kinds of traditional 3D vector data models.The topological model has certain difficulty in the expression of geographical entity of complex and its partial data local update.On the otherhand,entity-oriented model has some shortcomings of complicated topological information processing and large data storage.Aimed at the advantages and disadvantages of these models,the authors design a new entityoriented 3D vector data model,which takes into the consideration of topological relations.This data model combines strongpoint of conventional topological data model and entity-oriented model,which is able to meet the data model requirements in applications such as 3D landscape,TIN,and urban 3D geology.
Keywords:3D-GIS  3D vector data model  topological relation  entity-oriented
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