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引用本文:陆霖,;郑雪芬,;钟远根. 基于时态GIS的房产信息管理系统的设计研究[J]. 现代测绘, 2014, 0(4): 38-40
作者姓名:陆霖,  郑雪芬,  钟远根
作者单位:[1]南京市测绘勘察研究院有限公司,江苏南京210019; [2]宁波市测绘设计研究院,浙江宁波315042; [3]南京金脉信息工程监理有限公司,江苏南京210019
摘    要:区别于常规GIS技术对房产档案的管理,本文结合房产档案数据中的时空变化规律,提出了时态GIS、面向对象等解决方法,定义了房产档案的时空对象,提出了房产档案时空数据模型,进而完成了一个基于时态GIS的房产档案信息管理系统的设计。

关 键 词:房产  地理信息系统(GIS)  档案管理  时态GIS(TGIS)

Research on Management Information System of Real Estate based on TGIS
Affiliation:= LU Lin, ZHENG Xue-fen, ZHONG Yuan-gen (1 Nanjing Institute of Surveying, Mapping & Geotechnical Investigation, Co. Ltd, Nanjing Jiangsu 210019, China; 2 Ningbo Institute of Surveying and Mapping, Ningbo Zhejiang 315042, China; 3. Nanjing Geoman Infomation Engineering Supervision Co. ,Ltd, Nanjing Jiangsu 210019, China)
Abstract:Different from the conventional GIS ,this paper researched the management information system of real estate archives based on TGIS Technology ,which is combination with the rules of spatial-temporal data change and the solution with TGIS and object-oriented views .After that ,the paper defined the real estate archives spatial-temporal objects ,brought forward real estate archives spatial-temporal data model and designed the management information system based on temporal GIS .
Keywords:Real estate  GIS  management of archives
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