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Dynamical objectives of observation of mutual events
Authors:A. Vienne
Affiliation:a Institut de Mécanique Céleste et Calcul des Ephémérides, Observatoire de Paris, 77 avenue Denfert Rochereau, F75014 Paris, France
b Université de Lille 1, 1 impasse de l’Observatoire, F59000 Lille, France
Abstract:Recently the motion of the main satellites of Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus have been modelled in order to get accurate ephemerides. These models have been fitted over a large amount of observations. Among these ones, the positions issued from the observations of mutual events are the most accurate. We can then expect to obtain a new kind of dynamical informations directly linked to planetological questions. We have to determine what information is used in these observations to get the still unknown dynamical parameters. We look after these questions especially in the Jovian and Saturnian systems.
Keywords:Celestial mechanics   Ephemerides   Mutual events   Planets and satellites: individual: Jupiter-Saturn   Tides
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