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引用本文:张伟,皮金云,王彦春,李洪臣,谭昌勇,王连山. 模型约束三维折射静校正方法研究[J]. 地球物理学进展, 2009, 24(4): 1468-1472. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-2903.2009.04.040
作者姓名:张伟  皮金云  王彦春  李洪臣  谭昌勇  王连山
摘    要:本文详细的介绍了模型约束三维折射静校正技术的基本原理和计算步骤,具体给出了三维抽线,目的层质量监控,三维速度内插,三维底界内插等技术的实现方法,并结合了西部某工区的具体实例加以说明.结果表明,这种由微测井、小折射求取近地表深度-时间速度模型,由大炮记录折射初至旅行时求取各点延迟时,两者联合反演低降速层底界的厚度和高程,最终求取低降速层静校正量的方法,可明显提高低降速带的反演精度,较好地解决表层结构复杂地区的静校正问题.

关 键 词:表层模型  反演  折射  静校正  互换法

A study of the model-constrained 3-D refraction static correction method
ZHANG Wei,PI Jin-yun,WANG Yan-chun,LI Hong-chen,TAN Chang-yong,WANG Lian-shan. A study of the model-constrained 3-D refraction static correction method[J]. Progress in Geophysics, 2009, 24(4): 1468-1472. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-2903.2009.04.040
Authors:ZHANG Wei  PI Jin-yun  WANG Yan-chun  LI Hong-chen  TAN Chang-yong  WANG Lian-shan
Abstract:The basic principles and calculation steps of model-constrained 3-D refraction static correction were introduced, the technology of 3-D pumping line, destination layer quality control, 3-D velocity interpolation, 3-D bottom interpolation were provided, and a specific examples in a work area of the western region was illustrated in this paper. The results show that the method of the near-surface depth - time velocity model using the micro-logging, small refraction, delay time of every points uing first break travelling time of shot record, by which inversing layer thickness of the bottom and elevation, computing eventual static correction, can significantly increase the inversion precision of low-velocity layer, and better solve the static correction problem of complex structure of surface.
Keywords:surface model   inversion   static correction   refraction   reciprocal method
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