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引用本文:殷勇,朱大奎,唐文武,葛晨东,I.Peter Martini. 博鳌地区沙坝-泻湖沉积及探地雷达的应用[J]. 地理学报, 2002, 57(3): 301-309
作者姓名:殷勇  朱大奎  唐文武  葛晨东  I.Peter Martini
作者单位:南京大学海岸与海岛开发教育部重点实验室,南京,210093;Dept.of Land Resource Science, University of Guelph, Ontario, NIE 4E5, Canada
摘    要:通过钻孔资料和探地雷达(GPR)反射剖面,揭示了海南岛东部博螯地区晚更新世以来沙坝-泻湖体系沉积序列和内部反射结构,探地雷达(GPR)给出了有关沙体厚度,岩性特征,潜水面深度,海水侵入范围以及沙体含水性等重要参数,是海岸带环境调查的有效手段。通过和钻孔资料的对比,在玉带滩海岸沙坝上部层序中识别出两套具有区域意义的反射波组,南岗村沙洲浅滩识别出一套反射波组,综合分析表明,博螯地区沙坝-泻湖体系晚更新世以来随海平面的上升经历了基岩侵蚀→河流,河漫滩相→泻湖→海岸沙坝,半封闭泻湖,河口湾的演化过程。

关 键 词:沙坝-泻湖体系  沙洲浅滩  沉积序列  探地雷达(GPR)  反射波组  博鳌

On Barrier-Lagoon Development and GPR Application in BO''AO Area
YlN Yong,ZHU Dakui,TANG Wenwu,GE Chendong,I. Peter Martinil. On Barrier-Lagoon Development and GPR Application in BO''AO Area[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2002, 57(3): 301-309
Authors:YlN Yong  ZHU Dakui  TANG Wenwu  GE Chendong  I. Peter Martinil
Affiliation:1. The Key Laboratory of Coast and Island Development, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China;
2. Dept. of Land Resource Science, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada NIE 4E5
Abstract:A suite of sedimentary sequences and a three-dimensional (3D) observation ofcoastal bar and shoal deposits from sandy gravel coast zone in Boao, eastetn Hainan Islandwere made using cores, outcrops and ground -penetrating -radar (GPR) profiles. According tolitho -facies distribution, three sedimentary sequences are distinguished in sedimentarycolumns, which constitutes an upward coarse-fine-coarse cycle.GPR reflectors show that water table in the area is located about 6 m below the surfaceand the reflective signals decrease rapidly under the water surface due to absorption ofsaturated sand to the electromagnetic (EM) waves. The GPR electromagnetic wave penetratesless than 5 m on modern beach because of the intrusion of salted sea water. The samePhenomenon is encountered on the shoal near the lagoon where the ground water invadessediments. Several GPR facies can be identified from the profiles. As to Yudai Tan coastalbar, two types of reflector configurations of regional significance were verified up and downthe water surface or unconformity in some places. Parallel to slightly wavy reflectors abovewater surface contrast with hummocky, chaotic, oblique and hyperbola reflectors below thewater surface. The former reflectors may indicate homogeneous and fine to medium sandwhi1e the latter indicates an increase in the content of coarse sand and gravel. Discontinues,hummocky and chaotic reflectors identified on Nangang Cun shoal may indicate analternation between sand and clay during deposition.The results show that the Nangang Cun shoal may develop in late Holocene period andbefore it joined the coastal bar, there was a lagoonal region separating them. It is indicatedthat GPR is a reliable, rapid, and economical method for high-resolution profiling ofsubsurface sediments in sandy grave1 coastal zone. In order to increase the reliability,continuous geological logs from test holes, wells and outcrops are needed to interpret theradar data.
Keywords:barrier-lagoon system  shoal  sedimentary sequence  GPR  reflector configuration  Boao
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