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Residual fields from extinct dynamos
Authors:E. N. Parker
Affiliation:Department of Physics, Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics , University of Chicago , Chicago, Illinois, USA

The paper explores some of the many facets of the problem of the generation of magnetic fields in convective zones of declining vigor and/or thickness. The ultimate goal of such work is the explanation of the magnetic fields observed in A-stars. The present inquiry is restricted to kinematical dynamos, to show some of the many possibilities, depending on the assumed conditions of decline of the convection. The examples serve to illustrate in what quantitative detail it will be necessary to describe the convection in order to extract any firm conclusions concerning specific stars.

The first illustrative example treats the basic problem of diffusion from a layer of declining thickness. The second adds a buoyant rise to the field in the layer. The third treats plane dynamo waves in a region with declining eddy diffusivity, dynamo coefficient, and large-scale shear. The dynamo number may increase or decrease with declining convection, with an increase expected if the large-scale shear does not decline as rapidly as the eddy diffusivity. It is shown that one of the components of the field may increase without bound even in the case that the dynamo number declines to zero.
Keywords:Density front  coastal front  coupled front
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