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引用本文:祝彦知,李冬霞,方志. 横观各向同性饱和土体三维粘弹性动力分析[J]. 岩土力学, 2005, 26(10): 1557-1564
作者姓名:祝彦知  李冬霞  方志
作者单位:1. 同济大学 地下建筑与工程系,上海 200092;2. 中原工学院 土木建筑系,郑州 450007
摘    要:采用针对横观各向同性饱和土体u-w形式三维粘弹性动力方程,考虑土骨架的粘弹性性质且基于粘弹性理论,通过运用Fourier 展开、Laplace 和Hankel 积分变换方法和引入中间变量,将含有粘弹性参数的六元二阶偏微分运动控制方程组,化为2组各含4个未知变量的常微分方程组,从而给出了柱坐标系下粘弹性横观各向同性饱和土体在非轴对称动力荷载作用下的瞬态反应的土骨架位移分量、孔隙流体相对于土骨架的位移分量瞬态反应一般解。在此基础上,引入初始条件和边界条件,对垂直向和水平向动力荷载作用下半空间边值问题进行了求解。根据动力时域解答的一般解,利用Laplace和Hankel 数值逆变换技术,编制了相应的数值计算程序。并进行了实例验证和弹性、粘弹性解的对比分析。结果表明,在进行横观各向同性饱和土体动力分析时,考虑土骨架的粘弹性是必要的。

关 键 词:Biot波动方程  横观各向同性  饱和土体  粘弹性模型  动力分析  Laplace-Hankel变换  数值解  

Three dimensional 3-D viscoelastic dynamic analysis of transversely isotropic fluid-saturated poroelastic soil in time domain
ZHU Yan-zhi,LI Dong-xia,FANG Zhi. Three dimensional 3-D viscoelastic dynamic analysis of transversely isotropic fluid-saturated poroelastic soil in time domain[J]. Rock and Soil Mechanics, 2005, 26(10): 1557-1564
Authors:ZHU Yan-zhi  LI Dong-xia  FANG Zhi
Affiliation:1.Department of Geotechnical Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China; 2. Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhongyuan Istitute of Technology, Zhengzhou 450007, China
Abstract:Based on 3D viscoelastic dynamic equations for transversely isotropic fluid-saturated soil, the Fourier expansion approach and Laplace-Hankel transformation are used to solve the viscoelastic dynamic response of the transversely isotropic fluid-saturated soil. Through strictly theoretical deduction, the closed-form solutions are derived in terms of solid matrix displacements and fluid displacements relative to the soil matrix. According to initial condition and boundary condition, the boundary-value problems of transversely isotropic saturated viscoelastic half-space under the action of vertical and horizontal dynamic loads are solved. The solutions in time domain can be obtained by using Laplace-Hankel inverse transforms. The computer programs are developed for calculating the stress and diaplacement of transversely isotropic fluid-saturated soil. Selected numerical results are presented. The results show that it is necessary to take into account viscoelasticity of saturated soil.
Keywords:Biot’s wave equations  transversely isotropic  saturated soil  viscoelastic model  dynamic analysis  Laplace-Hankel transforms  numerical solution  
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