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Variability in the annual cycle of vertical particulate organic carbon export on Arctic shelves: Contrasting the Laptev Sea,Northern Baffin Bay and the Beaufort Sea
Authors:Catherine Lalande  Alexandre Forest  David G. Barber  Yves Gratton  Louis Fortier
Affiliation:1. Québec-Océan, Département de biologie, Université Laval, Québec, QC, Canada G1V 0A6;2. Norwegian College of Fishery Science, University of Tromsø, Tromsø N-9037, Norway;3. Centre for Earth Observation Science, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3T 2N2;4. Institut national de la recherche scientifique—Eau Terre Environnement, Québec, QC, Canada G1K 9A9
Abstract:The ongoing regression of sea ice cover is expected to significantly affect the fate of organic carbon over the Arctic continental shelves. Long-term moored sediment traps were deployed in 2005–2006 in the Beaufort Sea, Northern Baffin Bay and the Laptev Sea to compare the annual variability of POC fluxes and to evaluate the factors regulating the annual cycle of carbon export over these continental shelves. Annual POC fluxes at 200 m ranged from 1.6 to 5.9 g C m−2 yr−1 with the highest export in Northern Baffin Bay and the lowest export over the Mackenzie Shelf in the Beaufort Sea. Each annual cycle exhibited an increase in POC export a few weeks before, during, or immediately following sea ice melt, but showed different patterns over the remainder of the cycle. Enhanced primary production, discharge of the Lena River, and resuspension events contributed to periods of elevated POC export over the Laptev Sea slope. High POC fluxes in Northern Baffin Bay reflected periods of elevated primary production in the North Water polynya. In the Beaufort Sea sediment resuspension contributed to most of the large export events. Our results suggest that the outer shelf of the Laptev Sea will likely sustain the largest increase in POC export in the next few years due to the large reduction in ice cover and the possible increase in the Lena River discharge. The large differences in forcing among the regions investigated reinforce the importance of monitoring POC fluxes in the different oceanographic regimes that characterize the Arctic shelves to assess the response of the Arctic Ocean carbon cycle to interannual variability and climate change.
Keywords:Arctic Ocean   Beaufort Sea   Laptev Sea   Northern Baffin Bay   Sediment traps   Particulate organic carbon export
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