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引用本文:刘湘南,许红梅,黄方. 土地利用空间格局及其变化的图形信息特征分析[J]. 地理科学, 2002, 22(1): 79-84
作者姓名:刘湘南  许红梅  黄方
基金项目:国家自然科学基金 ( 4 990 10 17),霍英东教育基金 ( 710 2 9),教育部高等院校骨干教师资助项目
摘    要:运用地理图形信息理论和景观生态学理论,探讨了土地利用空间格局及其变化的图形化描述方法,并以吉林省前郭县为例,在GIS空间分析和统计分析模型的支持下,分析了研究区土地利用空间格局及其变化的图形特征。结果表明:每一土地利用类型图斑特征都可以用几个图形参数来刻画,图形参数随面积变化而变化的曲线可以有效地揭示和区分不同的土地利用类型特征,而土地利用空间格局及其变化则可用VCM曲线来描述。

关 键 词:土地利用空间格局  图形信息理论  等步长变距离缓冲区分析  GIS空间分析

Study on Graphic Information Characteristics of Land Use Spatial Pattern and Its Change
LIU Xiang nan ,XU Hong mei ,HUANG Fang. Study on Graphic Information Characteristics of Land Use Spatial Pattern and Its Change[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2002, 22(1): 79-84
Authors:LIU Xiang nan   XU Hong mei   HUANG Fang
Affiliation:LIU Xiang nan 1,XU Hong mei 2,HUANG Fang 1
Abstract:Land use is a number of heterogeneous spatial pattern drived by complex force. Land use change displays not only quantity and quality change, but also spatial pattern change. In this article we discuss the method to describe spatial pattern of land use quantitatively. Furthermore, we select Qianguo County of Jilin Province as study area which lies in agro husb ecotone in north China and analyze spatial pattern change of land use change in this area based on geography graphic information theory and combined statistic analysis and spatial analysis of GIS. The results indicate that fractal dimension and circularity can reflect graphic information of land use patches from both the patch shape and coherence. The fractal dimension and circularity vary in different land use types and change with patch area. The fractal dimension of residence is the smallest while grassland largest, patch area have little influence on the fractal dimension of forest and residence which are almost unchanged during the study period, and the fractal dimension of grassland and farmland change significantly and this change is relative with patch area. The circularity of residence is largest among all the land use types while grassland smallest, and the circularity of grassland and farmland change small as patch areas become large. The circularity of residence is almost unchanged, but the circularity of forest, grassland and farmland decreased in different extent. The curve of variable distance buffer analyzing method can declare clearly the spatial distribution of patches by measuring the connectivity and concentration of patches. The VDM curve of farmland close to the left side of the scale and only has one peak, which show the patches of farmland close to each other. The VDM curve of both forest and grassland close to the left side also, by the patches of grassland closer than forest, and the VDM curve of residence has several peaks which mediate, and the patches of residence are disperse.
Keywords:spatial pattern of land use  graphic information theory  same step variable distance buffer analysis  spatial analysis in GIS
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