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Deeper groundwater chemistry and geochemical modeling of the arsenic affected western Bengal basin,West Bengal,India
Authors:Abhijit Mukherjee  Alan E. Fryar
Affiliation:Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0053, United States
A regional scale hydrogeochemical study of a ∼21,000-km2 area in the western Bengal basin shows the presence of hydrochemically distinct water bodies in the main semiconfined aquifer and deeper isolated aquifers. Spatial trends of solutes and geochemical modeling indicate that carbonate dissolution, silicate weathering, and cation exchange control the major-ion chemistry of groundwater and river water. The main aquifer water has also evolved by mixing with seawater from the Bay of Bengal and connate water. The isolated aquifers contain diagenetically altered water of probable marine origin. The postoxic main aquifer water exhibits overlapping redox zones (metal-reducing, sulfidic and methanogenic), indicative of partial redox equilibrium, with the possibility of oxidation in micro-scale environments. The redox processes are depth-dependent and hydrostratigraphically variable. Elevated dissolved As in the groundwater is possibly related to Fe(III) reduction, but is strongly influenced by coupled Fe–S–C redox cycles. Arsenic does not show good correlations with most solutes, suggesting involvement of multiple processes in As mobilization. The main river in the area, the Bhagirathi–Hoogly, is chemically distinctive from other streams in the vicinity and probably has little or no influence on deep groundwater chemistry. Arsenic in water of smaller streams (Jalangi and Ichamati) is probably introduced by groundwater discharge during the dry season.
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