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A least-squares method for determining the best-fit point maximum, great circle, and small circle to nondirectional orientation data
Authors:Neil S. Mancktelow
Affiliation:(1) Geologisches Institut, ETH-Zentrum, CH8092 Zürich, Switzerland
Abstract:Given a set of nondirectional orientation data (fold axes, lineations, dip and dip direction of bedding, universal stage readings of crystallographic axes, etc.),the ldquobest-fitrdquo line (point maximum),plane (great circle),or cone (small circle)can be determined by minimizing the sum of the squares of the angular residuals using a simplex convergence technique. Stereoplots of the angular deviation over the complete lower hemisphere for these distributions may also be generated when consideration of the constraint on the best-fit position is important; for example in comparing different data sets of the same structural element. The routines are available as a FORTRAN coded computer program.
Keywords:Structural analysis  structural geology  fabric diagrams  orientation data  least squares
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