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引用本文:孔科,楚锡华,徐远杰. 框格式地下连续墙非线性分析及稳定计算[J]. 岩土力学, 2008, 29(Z1): 123-128
作者姓名:孔科  楚锡华  徐远杰
作者单位:武汉大学 土木工程学院, 武汉 430072
摘    要:根据地质及结构特点,建立了能反映框格式地下连续墙力学特性的典型子模型,即槽段有限元模型。基于ABAQUS有限元软件,采用经典的摩尔-库仑(Mohr-Coulomb)屈服准则、非关联流动法则,对框格式混凝土地连墙槽段进行了施工全过程模拟,详细分析了结构在最不利工况下混凝土连续墙的应力与变形,还用强度折减有限元方法分析了该最不利工况下结构的整体稳定性,论证了框格式连续墙这种地基处理方式的合理性与可行性,地下连续墙在应力变形及稳定方面能满足工程需要。

关 键 词:闸坝  框格连续墙  应力变形分析  非线性有限元  稳定  

Nonlinear and slope stability analysis of underground continuous wall built as sashes
KONG Ke,CHU Xi-hua,XU Yuan-jie. Nonlinear and slope stability analysis of underground continuous wall built as sashes[J]. Rock and Soil Mechanics, 2008, 29(Z1): 123-128
Authors:KONG Ke  CHU Xi-hua  XU Yuan-jie
Affiliation:School of Civil and Architectural Engineering,Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China
Abstract:According to the characteristics of the geology and structure,a sub-model which contains the mechanical characters of the underground continuous wall is built.Based on ABAQUS software,Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion and non-associated flow rule are used to simulate the course of construction.The stresses and displacements of the structure are analyzed amply.Meanwhile,based on the strength reduction method,the stability of the structure is studied.The results show that the constructing method of the groundsil...
Keywords:sash-shaped  continuous wall  stress-strain analysis  nonlinear finite elements  stability  
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