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Long-period fluctuations observed in the ionospheric absorption variations
Authors:D. Pancheva  E. Apostolov  G. Nestorov  Jan Laštovička  Reviewer V. Letfus
Affiliation:(1) Geophysical Institute, Bulg. Acad. Sci., Sofia;(2) Geophysical Institute, Czechosl. Acad. Sci., Prague
Abstract:Summary By subsequent application of power spectrum analysis, autocorrelation analysis and fast Fourier transform (FFT) of the day- and night-time absorption values of five LF radio-paths (164 kHz, 155 kHz, 185 kHz, 218 kHz and 272 kHz) in Europe during the interval 1 June 1979–30 June 1980, fluctuations with the following basic (fundamental), commonly recurrent periods were found: 3.5–5 days and 10.5–12 days. They exist in all investigated time series, while 6- and 9-day fluctuations are observed on the northern radio-paths (185 kHz and 272 kHz). Shorterperiod oscillations are most active during autumn and especially during winter, while the longerperiod oscillation (10.5–12-day) has significant amplitudes also in summer.
Rcyiecyzcyyucymcyiecy Scy nocymcyocyshchcyycyocy nocyscylcyiecy¶rt;ocyvcyamiecylcysoftcyncyocyocy nrcyumcyiecyncyiecyncyuyacy ancyalcyuzcya scyniecykcymrcya mcyocyshchcyncyocyscymu, avcymocykcyocyrcyrcyiecylcyyacytscyuocyncyncyocyocy ancyalcyuzcya u bcyycyscymrcyocyubreve Fcyucyrcysoftcyiecy mrcyancyscyfcyocyrcymcyatscyuu (BcyFcyTcy) kcy ¶rt;ncyiecyvcyncyycymcy u ncyocychcyncyycymcy ¶rt;ancyncyycymcy nocy nocylcyocyshchcyiecyncyuyucy uzcy nyacymu NcyCHcy rcya¶rt;uocy mrcyascyscy (164 kcyGcytscy, 155 kcyGcytscy, 185 kcyGcytscy, 218 kcyGcytscy u 272 kcyGcytscy) ncya¶rt; IEcyvcyrcyocynocyubreve vcy niecyrcyuocy¶rt; 1 uyucyncyyacy 1979–30 uyucyncyyacy 1980. bcyycylcyu ncyaubreve¶rt;iecyncyycy scylcyiecy¶rt;ucyyucyshchcyuiecy ocyscyncyocyvcyncyycyiecy (fcyucyncy¶rt;amcyiecyncymalcysoftcyncyycyiecy) nocyvcymocyrcyyacyyucyshchcyuiecyscyyacy niecyrcyuocy¶rt;ycy: 3.5–5 ¶rt;ncyiecyubreve u 10.5–12 ¶rtncyiecyubreve. Ocyncyu nrcyuscyrcymscymvcyucyyucym vcyocy vcyscyiecykhcy uscyscylcyiecy¶rt;ocyvcyancyncyycykhcy vcyrcyiecymcyiecyncyncyycykhcy rcyyacy¶rt;akhcy. 6- u 9-scyucymocychcyncyycyiecy kcyocylcyiecybcyancyuyacy ncyabcylcyyucy¶rt;ayucymscyyacy mocylcysoftcykcyocy vcy bcyocylcyiecyiecy scyiecyvcyiecyrcyncyycykhcy rcya¶rt;uocymrcyascyscyakhcy (185 kcyGcytscy u 272 kcyGcytscy). Pcylcyancyiecymarcyncyycyiecy kcyocylcyiecybcyancyuyacy scyamcyycyiecy akcymuvcyncyycyiecy ocyscyiecyncysoftcyyucy u ocyscyiecyncysoftcyyucy u ocyscyocybcyiecyncyncyocy zcyumcyocyubreve. Bcyocylcyiecyiecy ¶rt;ocylcyocyniecyrcyuocy¶rt;ncyycyiecy vcyocylcyncyycy (10.5–12 ¶rt;ncyiecyubreve) umcyiecyyucym zcyncyachcyumiecylcysoftcyncyucyyucy amcynlcyumucy¶rt;ucy u lcyiecymocymcy.
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