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Tectono-Metallogenic System in the Altay Orogenic Belt, China
Authors:WANG Jingbin  ZHANG Jinhong  DING Rufu  FANG TonghuiBeijing Institute of Geology for Mineral Resources  State Bureau of Nonferrous Metals Industry  Andingmenwai  Beijing
Abstract:The Altay erogenic belt of China is an important metallogenic belt of base metals, rare metals and gold. The main orogenic-metallogenic epoch is the Hercynian (Late Palaeozoic). Hercynian orogeny underwent two tectonic stages: the early volcano-passive continental margin extension (D1-D2) and late subduction-collision (D3-P). There correspondingly developed two different metallogenic systems. One is the stratabound massive sulphide and iron metallogenic system related to volcano-passive continental margin, and the other is the epigenetic gold and granite-associated rare metals system formed by collision. Very few mineralizations were formed during the subduc-tion time.
Keywords:Hercynian orogeny   tectonic evolution   metallogenic system   Altay of China
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