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引用本文:刘树根,马文辛,黄文明,曾祥亮,张长俊. 四川盆地东部地区下志留统龙马溪组页岩储层特征[J]. 岩石学报, 2011, 27(8): 2239-2252
作者姓名:刘树根  马文辛  黄文明  曾祥亮  张长俊
作者单位:油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室,成都理工大学,成都 610059;油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室,成都理工大学,成都 610059;地质勘探开发研究院,中国石油川庆钻探工程有限公司,成都 610051;油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室,成都理工大学,成都 610059;油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室,成都理工大学,成都 610059
基金项目:本文受国家基础研究(973)项目(2012CB214805 )和四川省重点学科"构造地质学"建设基金项目(SZD0408)联合资助.
摘    要:四川盆地是中国西南部重要的含油气盆地,在东部和南部地区下志留统龙马溪组页岩广泛发育。在川东南、鄂西渝东地区的勘探井中志留系具有良好的气显示。研究区龙马溪组厚65~516m,底部为一套海侵沉积的富含笔石的黑色页岩,龙马溪组向上和向东砂质和钙质含量增加,演变为浅水陆棚沉积。龙马溪组主要由层状-非层状泥/页岩、白云质粉砂岩、层状钙质泥/页岩、泥质粉砂岩、层状-非层状粉砂质泥/页岩、粉-细粒砂岩、钙质结核、富含有机质非层状页岩8种岩相组成。总有机碳含量(TOC)为0.2%~6.7%。有机质以II型干酪根为主,Ro为2.4%~3.6%。页岩中石英矿物含量在2%~93%,主要呈纹层状或分散状分布,主要为陆源碎屑外源成因。龙马溪组页岩岩心孔隙度为0.58%~0.67%,渗透率为0.01×10-3μm2~0.93×10-3μm2。扫描电镜下龙马溪组页岩微孔隙度为2%左右,主要包括晶间孔和粒内孔,孔隙直径为100nm~50μm。页岩储层的形成机理主要为有利矿物组合、成岩作用和有机质热裂解作用。龙马溪组与美国Barnett页岩具有一定差异,主要表现在龙马溪组页岩埋藏较深、热演化程度较高、含气量较低、储层较致密、以陆源成因石英为主。对于评价下志留统龙马溪组页岩气勘探前景而言,今后须重点加强针对龙马溪组底部黑色硅质岩系石英成因、成熟度、埋藏史、含气量等方面的研究,以及进行详细的古地貌和古环境恢复。

关 键 词:下志留统  龙马溪组  页岩气  储层特征  四川盆地东部

Characteristics of the shale gas reservoir rocks in the Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation,East Sichuan basin,China
LIU ShuGen,MA WenXin,LUBA Jans,HUANG WenMing and ZENG XiangLiang. Characteristics of the shale gas reservoir rocks in the Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation,East Sichuan basin,China[J]. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 2011, 27(8): 2239-2252
Authors:LIU ShuGen  MA WenXin  LUBA Jans  HUANG WenMing  ZENG XiangLiang
Affiliation:State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation, CDUT, Chengdu 610059,China;State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation, CDUT, Chengdu 610059,China;Geological Exploration & Development Research Institute, CNPC Chuanqing Drilling Engineering Company Limited, Chengdu 610051, China;State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation, CDUT, Chengdu 610059,China;State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation, CDUT, Chengdu 610059,China
Abstract:The Sichuan basin is an oil-bearing and gas-rich basin with extensive development of the Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation shale in southwestern China.The gas shows in the shale were identified in exploration wells mainly located between southeastern Sichuan basin and western Hubei-eastern Chongqing.The thickness of the Silurian Longmaxi Formation shale ranges from 65 to 516m.The base of the Longmaxi Formation shale is graptolite-rich transgressive black shale.Its thickness increases eastward in the study a...
Keywords:Lower Silurian  Longmaxi Formation  Shale gas  Reservoir characteristics  East Sichuan basin
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