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Application of turning bands technique to simulate values of copper ore deposit parameters in Rudna mine (Lubin-Sieroszowice region in SW part of Poland)
Authors:Barbara Namysłowska-Wilczyńska
Affiliation:1. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Wroc?aw University of Technology, Wroc?aw, Polandbarbara.namyslowska-wilczynska@pwr.edu.pl

The turning bands simulation is a valuable and highly useful tool in solving various geological-mining, environmental and geological-engineering problems when it is essential to determine the uncertainty of the estimates of simulated values Zs (realizations) and assess the risk. This paper presents an investigative methodology and the results of calculations connected with the use of conditional turning bands simulation and bundled indicator kriging, making it possible to analyse the risk at different levels of uncertainty in the solution of optimization of the exploitation problems encountered in the mining of the polymetallic copper ore deposits in the Lubin-Sieroszowice region (Foresudetic monocline, the SW part of Poland). Examples of the evaluation of simulated values Zs and probability P average values Z* of the deposit parameters within the block located in the Rudna Mine (the block R-3) area are provided.
Keywords:Copper ore deposit  modelling  conditional turning bands simulation  bundled indicator kriging  uncertainty
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