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Sea-Level Change Over the China Sea and Its Vicinity Derived from 25-Year T/P Series Altimeter Data
Authors:Jianhua Wan  Qinting Sun  Shanwei Liu  Yinlong Li
Affiliation:1.School of Geosciences,China University of Petroleum (East China),Huangdao,China;2.The Laboratory for Marine Mineral Resources,Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology,Qingdao,China
The characteristics of sea-level change in the China Sea and its vicinity are studied by combining TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P), Jason-1, Jason-2, and Jason-3 altimeter data. First, the sea-surface height is computed by using monthly data via collinear adjustment, regional selection, and crossover adjustment. The sea-level anomaly (SLA) from October 1992 to July 2017 is calculated based on the difference that is obtained by the value derived from the inverse distance weighting method to interpolate the CNES_CLS15 model value at a normal point. By analyzing the satellite data at the same time in orbit, three mean bias groups over the China Sea and its vicinity are obtained: the difference between T/P and Jason-1 is ??11.76 cm, the difference between Jason-1 and Jason-2 is 9.6 cm, and the difference between Jason-2 and Jason-3 is 2.42 cm. To establish an SLA series for 25 years in the study area, the SLAs are corrected. Mean rate of sea-level rise of the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, East China Sea, and South China Sea of 4.87 mm/a, 2.68 mm/a, 2.88 mm/a, and 4.67 mm/a, respectively, is found by analyzing the series of SLAs.
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