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引用本文:黄初龙,郑伟民. 我国红树林湿地研究进展[J]. 湿地科学, 2004, 2(4): 303-308
作者姓名:黄初龙  郑伟民
摘    要:红树林湿地是分布于亚热带、热带滨海地区的典型湿地,具有其它湿地类型所不具备的特殊的演化过程,形成独特的水文、土壤和植被特征。由于人类活动的影响,近年来,我国红树林湿地出现了面积锐减、生态系统结构简化、生物多样性降低、生态功能退化等严重问题,使红树林湿地的可持续利用面临严重挑战。从湿地生态、湿地功能及湿地开发利用、保护与管理等方面评述我国红树林湿地生态系统的研究现状,探讨我国红树林湿地未来研究的主要科学问题,进而明确红树林湿地可持续利用研究的方向和途径。

关 键 词:中国  红树林湿地  可持续利用  研究进展

Current Progresses of Chinese Mangrove Wetlands Research
HUANG Chu-Long ,,,ZHENG Wei-Min. Current Progresses of Chinese Mangrove Wetlands Research[J]. Wetland Science, 2004, 2(4): 303-308
Authors:HUANG Chu-Long       ZHENG Wei-Min
Affiliation:HUANG Chu-Long 1,2,3,ZHENG Wei-Min 2
Abstract:Mangrove wetland is a type of typical wetland distributing in tidal zones of tropical or subtropical seacoast, bearing the special evolving processes differing from other types of wetland, possessing unusual features in hydrology, soil and vegetation. Wetlands ecosystem is one of the most productive biomes. However, as the results of human activities in recent years, some severe problems as sharply acreage decrease, predigestion of ecosystem structure, reduce of biodiversity and degeneration of ecological functions emerge in Chinese mangrove wetlands, which face to challenge mangrove wetlands' sustainable utilization. For the sustainable availability of Chinese mangrove wetlands, we try to introduce status in quo on the studies of Chinese mangrove wetland ecosystem according to different research fields in wetlands ecosystem, functions, exploitation, protection and management of wetlands,etc.. Then, some key scientific problems of the mangrove wetlands are discussed for the sustainable availability of Chinese mangrove wetlands. Namely, the following points should be focused on mangrove wetlands researches, the timely updating of methods of analyzing and obtaining of data or information on mangrove wetlands, newly diretion of major mangrove wetlands research fields, the importance of practicality of research productions, the improvement of precision of research process, the necessity of diversity of research contents, the ecological fragility and sensitivity of mangrove wetlands by global change, and the study on driving factors of mangrove wetlands changes. We hope wetlands scientists can pay attentions to these problems and take it as guidelines of different scales and fields of mangrove wetlands research..
Keywords:China  mangrove wetlands  sustainable utilization  research tendency
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