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引用本文:张健平,吕厚远. 现代植物炭屑形态的初步分析及其古环境意义*[J]. 第四纪研究, 2006, 26(5): 857-863
作者姓名:张健平  吕厚远
摘    要:通过对23种现代植物炭屑的观察、测量以及对草本、木本炭屑模拟破碎试验后的测量统计发现:现代植物炭屑形态根据其长宽比(L/W)和形态特征可以分为3个类型:1)草本型炭屑,L/W最大,平均为10.2±1.3, 呈长-薄条型、针型、簇纤维型,边缘及断口截然,棱角分明,有些具有气孔构造,很少有不规则的形态出现; 2)木本型炭屑(灌木+乔木),L/W较小,平均3.1±0.2,多呈方~长方型或立方体型,边缘多参差不齐,有些横向断口有粗大木纤维露出,相对致密; 3)阔叶类植物叶片炭屑,L/W最小,平均1.7±0.1,薄片状、网状,絮状,易碎。进一步通过对6个典型草原和森林表土样品的实验室分析,发现现代土壤中的炭屑颗粒大小相对现代植物炭屑颗粒大小总体有所减小,但草原土壤中炭屑长宽比相对森林土壤炭屑仍然较大,土壤中炭屑形态和部分结构鉴别特征仍能保留。表明L/W值与炭屑结构特征可以用来区分多数草本与木本植物炭屑。在此基础上,通过对黄土高原渭南剖面S1以来不同层位12个地层样品的炭屑形态分析,初步研究了不同草本、木本植物炭屑形态变化的特点和环境意义。

关 键 词:炭屑形态  草本  木本  木本叶片  古生态变化  渭南

Zhang Jianping,Lü Houyuan. PRELIMINARY STUDY OF CHARCOAL MORPHOLOGY AND ITS ENVIRONMENTAL SIGNIFICANCE[J]. Quaternary Sciences, 2006, 26(5): 857-863
Authors:Zhang Jianping  Lü Houyuan
Affiliation:(Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing100029
Abstract:23 species of modern plants which are typically found in North China were burned in open fire, after which charcoals bigger than 500μm were collected by sieving. The results of microscopy observation show that charcoal can be divided into three groups by their length/width ratio.Charcoals from grasses have the greatest length/width ratio, 10.2±1.3 on average; woody charcoals 3.1±0.2; while charcoals from woody plant leaves the smallest,averaged 1.7±0.1. In morphology, charcoals of grasses are long and thin, mostly have sharp edges and breakpoints. Some have stomata observed and only a few have irregular shape.Charcoals from wood are generally of rectangular or cubic shape with rough edges. Charcoals from leaves are normally lamellar and reticular in shape. The results of the broken-experiment reveal that both the length and the length/width ratio of all kinds of charcoals have the trend of decrease. Furthermore we observed six surface soil samples of grasslands and forests from the Middle and West of China as well as the Tibetan Plateau. We found out that charcoals from surface soil are generally smaller than those from the modern plants. The length of charcoals from grasslands is 54.4±1.5μm while those from forests is 51.0±1.3μm. However, their L/W ratios are 2.8±0.1 and 2.2±0.1 respectively, largely different from each other. The L/W ratio, as well as some morphological characteristics can thus be used to distinguish herbaceous and woody charcoals. Finally, we measured 12 charcoal samples of S1~S0 layers at Weinan loess section in the Loess Plateau of China for the purpose of researching its palaeoenvironmental significance. The reconstructed vegetation is similar to that resulted from pollen and phytolith analyse. The preliminary study of charcoal morphology shows that charcoal not only can be used as the indicator of ancient wild fires but also have palaeoenvironment reconstruction potential.
Keywords:charcoal morphology   palaeoenvironment reconstruction  Weinan loess section
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