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Thermodynamics of rare events and impulsive relaxation events in the magnetospheric substorm dynamics
Authors:Giuseppe Consolini  Matthieu Kretzschmar

aIstituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario, Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, I-00133 Roma, Italy

bRoyal Observatory of Belgium, 1180 Brussels, Belgium

Abstract:The magnetosphere dynamics shows fast relaxation events following power-law distribution for many observable quantities during magnetic substorms. The emergence of such power-law distributions has been widely discussed in the framework of self-organized criticality and/or turbulence. Here, a different approach to the statistical features of these impulsive dynamical events is proposed in the framework of the thermodynamics of rare events [Lavenda, B.H., Florio, A., 1992. Thermodynamics of rare events, Int. J. Theor. Phys. 31, 1455–1475; Lavenda, B.H., 1995. Thermodynamics of Extremes. Albion]. In detail, an application of such a novel approach to the magnetospheric substorm avalanching dynamics as monitored by the auroral electroject index is discussed.
Keywords:Magnetospheric substorm dynamics   Rare event statistics   Thermodynamics   Space plasmas
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