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ASTER数据的斑岩铜矿典型蚀变矿物组合信息提取方法 ——以秘鲁南部阿雷基帕省斑岩铜矿区为例
引用本文:杨日红,李志忠,陈秀法. ASTER数据的斑岩铜矿典型蚀变矿物组合信息提取方法 ——以秘鲁南部阿雷基帕省斑岩铜矿区为例[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2012, 14(3): 411-418. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2012.00411
作者姓名:杨日红  李志忠  陈秀法
作者单位:[1]中国国土资源航空物探遥感中心对地观测技术工程实验室,北京100083 [2]中国地质调查局,北京100037 [3]中国地质调查局发展研究中心,北京100037
基金项目:国家“863”计划重大项目课题“全球巨型成矿带重要矿产资源与能源遥感探测关键技术”(2012AA12A308); 国土资源大调查项目“中秘合作秘鲁中南部地区区域地球化学数据处理与铜、金找矿远景区优选”(1212010913034)
摘    要: 本文利用美国地质勘查局(USGS)波谱数据库,重建了斑岩铜矿典型蚀变带主要蚀变矿物在ASTER卫星数据对应的反射率曲线,综合分析了主要蚀变矿物的波谱曲线特征,建立了ASTER数据B1、B4、B6、B7和B1、B3、B4、B8主成分分析模型,分别提取典型蚀变带中泥化-绢英岩化类和青磐岩化蚀变矿物组合信息,并以秘鲁南部阿雷基帕省斑岩铜矿区为例,利用研发的技术方法,分别提取了研究区白(绢)云母、高岭石、蒙脱石、明矾石和伊利石等泥化-绢英岩化类蚀变矿物组合信息,绿泥石、绿帘石和方解石等青磐岩化蚀变矿物组合信息。同时结合区域化探资料开展了斑岩铜矿靶区遥感综合找矿预测,经高分辨卫星图像验证,与已知斑岩铜矿床对比表明,本文的方法具有较好的效果。

关 键 词:ASTER卫星数据  斑岩铜矿  泥化-绢英岩化类蚀变矿物组合  青磐岩化蚀变矿物组合  信息提取  

Information Extraction of Typical Alteration Mineral Assemblage in Porphyry Copper Using ASTER Satellite Data, Arequipa Province of South Peru
YANG Rihong,LI Zhizhong,CHENG Xiufa. Information Extraction of Typical Alteration Mineral Assemblage in Porphyry Copper Using ASTER Satellite Data, Arequipa Province of South Peru[J]. Geo-information Science, 2012, 14(3): 411-418. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2012.00411
Authors:YANG Rihong  LI Zhizhong  CHENG Xiufa
Affiliation:YANG Rihong,LI Zhizhong and CHENG Xiufa(1.Laboratory of the Earth Observation Technology,China Aero Geophysical Survey & Remote Sensing Center for Land and Resources,Beijing 100083,China;2.ChinaGeological Survey,Beijing 100037,China; 3.Development and Research Center,China Geological Survey,Beijing 100037,China)
Abstract:In this paper we studied the information extraction technology of alteration mineral assemblages.Using the standard laboratory spectral database of U.S.Geological Survey,we rebuilt the reflectivity curve of key alteration minerals in porphyry copper alteration zones with ASTER data.After comparative analysis of these key alteration minerals spectral curves,we found the characteristic of absorption valley at the spectral 2.2 μm(which is corresponding to the B6 of ASTER data) of the argillic-and phyllic-altered mineral assemblage(which include muscovite,kaolinite,montmorillonite,alunite,illite,etc.),and with the characteristic of high reflection peaks at B4 and B7.The characteristic of absorption valley at the spectral 2.3 μm(which is corresponding to the B8 of ASTER data) of the propylitization altered mineral assemblage(which include chlorite,epidote,calcite,etc.,),and with the characteristic of a high reflection peaks at B4,while the B9 has a higher reflectivity than the B8.Accordingly,the principal component analysis model was developed.This model can make component analysis based on ASTER B1,B4,B6 and B7 to extract the argillic-and phyllic-altered mineral assemblage;component analysis based on ASTER B1,B3,B4 and B8 to extract propylitization altered mineral assemblage.At the same time,the process was established for the alteration mineral assemblage information extraction.Taking porphyry copper region in Arequipa Province of south Peru as an example,based on comprehensive analysis of the geological background of the study area,especially its typical alteration zoning and alteration mineral assemblages in the area,we found a typical porphyry alteration zonation in Arequipa Province.So we can take advantage of the technical processes and methods,and after ASTER data preprocessing,interfering surface features removal,principal component analysis and threshold setting,to extract argillic-and phyllic-altered mineral assemblage and propylitization altered mineral assemblage.Meanwhile,together with remote sensing interpretation and regional geochemical data,we forecasted the prospecting target of porphyry copper,and delineated 4 remote sensing exploration targets.Comparing with the verified of high-resolution satellite images and the known porphyry copper deposit,the result this study is reliable.
Keywords:ASTER satellite data  porphyry copper  argillic-and phyllic-altered mineral assemblage  propylitization altered mineral assemblage  information extraction
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