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The determination of a one year mean sea surface height track from Geosat altimeter data and ocean variability implications
Authors:Yan Ming Wang  Richard H. Rapp
Affiliation:(1) Department of Geodetic Science and Surveying, The Ohio State University, 43210 Columbus, OH, USA
Abstract:One year (November 1986 to October 1987) of Geosat altimeter data with improved orbits produced at The Ohio State University has been used to define sea surface heights for 22 ERM and one year averaged Geosat track. All sea surface heights were referenced to the single reference track through the application of geoid gradient corrections. The root mean square (RMS) gradient correction was on the order of ±1 cm although it could reach 20 cm with data points in trench areas. 10 values used to form the mean were considered. Although this study was initially driven by a need for a good reference sea surface for geodetic applications the formation of the reference track yields information on the variability of the ocean surface in the first year of the Geosat ERM. The RMS point variability was ± 12.6 cm with only a very small number of values exceeding 50 cm when a depth editing criteria was used. Global plots of the sea surface variability clearly reveal the major ocean currents and their variations in position in the year. Examination of the 1° × 1° averaged sea surface height variations show average and maximum variability values as follows: Gulf Stream (29 and 50 cm); Kurshio Current (24 and 49 cm); Agulhas Current (24 and 52 cm) and the Gulf of Mexico (18 and 31 cm). These magnitudes may be dependent on the radial orbit correction procedure. To investigate this effect sea slope variations were also computed. These results also showed clear current structures but also high frequency gravity field information despite efforts to average out such information. The data described in the paper is available from the authors for numerous other studies, some of which are suggested in the paper.
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