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High-Pressure Melting of Eclogite and the P-T-X History of Tonalitic to Trondhjemitic Zoisite-Pegmatites, Munchberg Massif, Germany
Authors:Liebscher, Axel   Franz, Gerhard   Frei, Dirk   Dulski, Peter
Affiliation:1Geoforschungszentrum Potsdam, Section 4.1 Experimental Geochemistry and Mineral Physics, Telegrafenberg, D-14473 Potsdam, Germany
2Technische Universität Berlin, Fachgebiet Petrologie, Ackerstrasse 71–79, D-13355 Berlin, Germany
3Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, Øster Voldgade 10, DK-1350 København K, Denmark
4Geoforschungszentrum Potsdam, Section 3.3 Climate Dynamics and Sediments, Telegrafenberg, D-14473 Potsdam, Germany
Abstract:Zoisite-bearing high-pressure pegmatites from the MünchbergMassif, Germany, provide an excellent example of the characteristicsof the onset of metabasite melting at eclogite-facies conditions.The pegmatites were derived by partial melting of a mid-oceanridge basalt (MORB)-like eclogite at T ≥680°C/2·3GPa to 750°C/3·1 GPa, which produced small amountsof tonalitic to trondhjemitic melt. The melt concentrated locallyin isolated, small melt pockets and crystallized primary zoisiteas liquidus phase at P ≥2·3 GPa/680°C to 2·1GPa/750°C. Compositional zoning of pegmatite zoisite recordsan ensuing multi-stage uplift history with successive, discretecrystallization events at 1·4 ± 0·2 GPa/650–700°Cand 1·0 ± 0·1 GPa/620–650°C.Resorption textures indicate reheating and thermal perturbationof the whole system prior to each successive crystallizationevent. Final solidification of zoisite-pegmatites occurred at0·9 ± 0·1 GPa/620–650°C. Thedata suggest that isolated melt + zoisite crystal mush pocketsformed an integral part of the eclogite throughout uplift frommelt formation at T ≥680°C/2·3 GPa to 750°C/3·1GPa to final solidification at ~0·9 GPa/620–630°C;that is, over a depth range of 45–60 km. The entire pegmatite-formingprocess was probably fluid conserving: fluid present duringmelt formation was trapped by fully or nearly water-saturatedsiliceous melts, whereas fluid liberated during pegmatite crystallizationinteracted with dehydrated eclogite-facies assemblages to formamphibolite-facies hydrous minerals. A set of empirical Dmelt/eclogitevalues based on mean zoisite-pegmatite and eclogite compositionwere used to model the onset of partial high-pressure meltingof metabasites. KEY WORDS: adakite; high-pressure melting; pegmatite; trondhjemite; zoisite
Keywords:: adakite   high-pressure melting   pegmatite   trondhjemite   zoisite
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