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引用本文:王丽,陈尚,任大川,柯淑云,李京梅,王栋. 基于条件价值法评估罗源湾海洋生物多样性维持服务价值[J]. 地球科学进展, 2010, 25(8): 886-892. DOI: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2010.08.0886
作者姓名:王丽  陈尚  任大川  柯淑云  李京梅  王栋
摘    要:海洋生物多样性维持服务指海洋中不仅生活着丰富的生物种群,还为其提供了重要的产卵场、越冬场、索饵场、避难所、栖息地等场所.基于条件价值法,于2009年8月对福建罗源湾周边城镇居民进行问卷调查,掌握当地居民对保护罗源湾生物多样性的支付意愿,进而评估罗源湾生物多样性维持服务价值.结果显示,2009年罗源湾4种珍稀生物的支付意愿为618.8元/户.2004-2008年罗源湾生物多样性维持服务价值分别为747.17万元、1 912.52万元、2 565.08万元、3 821.92万元、5 272.00万元.分析表明:家庭年收入、对保护生物的了解程度和环保意识是影响生物多样性维持服务价值的主要因素.对于保护海洋生物多样性来说,经济发展政策和环保政策都是必要的,如何做好这2个政策的平衡是政府应该关注的.

关 键 词:罗源湾  生物多样性维持服务  条件价值法  支付意愿  价值评估

Valuation of Species Diversity Maintenance Service in Luoyuan Bay Based on Contingent Valuation Method
WANG Li,CHEN Shang,REN Dachuan,KE Shuyun,LI Jingmei,WANG Dong. Valuation of Species Diversity Maintenance Service in Luoyuan Bay Based on Contingent Valuation Method[J]. Advances in Earth Sciences, 2010, 25(8): 886-892. DOI: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2010.08.0886
Authors:WANG Li  CHEN Shang  REN Dachuan  KE Shuyun  LI Jingmei  WANG Dong
Affiliation:1. Research Center for Marine Ecology,First Institute of Oceanography, SOA, Qingdao 266061, China;;2.School of Economics, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266071,China;;3. Department of Ocean and Fisheries of Fujian Province, Fuzhou 350003,China;;4.College of Physical and Environmental Oceanography, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100, China
Abstract:Marine species diversity maintenance service means that there are abundant living organisms in the sea, and moreover the sea provides important habitats, e.g. spawning grounds, overwintering grounds, feeding grounds and the shelters. Based on Contingent Valuation Method, a questionnaire survey on willingness-to-pay of local residents for the protection of marine species diversity was conducted in the towns around Luoyuan Bay in August, 2009, and thereby, marine species diversity maintenance service in Luoyuan Bay ecosystem was valuated. The average willingness-to-pay for 4 kinds of species was 618.8 yuan RMB per household in 2009. Marine species diversity maintenance service value of Luoyuan Bay was 7.47 million yuan RMB, 19.12 million yuan RMB, 25.65 million yuan RMB, 38.2192million yuan RMB, 52.7200 million yuan RMB from 2004 to 2008 rspectively. The annual household income, level of understanding of marine species diversity and environment awareness are the major factors in affecting marine species diversity maintenance service. For better protection of marine species diversity, both economic and environmental policies are necessary. The local government should pay more attention to how to balance and coordinate these two policies.
Keywords:Luoyuan Bay   Species diversity maintenance service   Contingent valuation method   Willingness-to-pay   Valuation  
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