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引用本文:王志宪,虞孝感,徐科峰,林康. 长江三角洲地区可持续发展的态势与对策[J]. 地理学报, 2005, 60(3): 381-391. DOI: 10.11821/xb200503004
作者姓名:王志宪  虞孝感  徐科峰  林康
作者单位:1. 中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 南京 210008;2. 中国科学院研究生院, 北京 100039; 3. 聊城大学, 聊城 252000;4. 青岛理工大学, 青岛 266033
摘    要:长江三角洲自20世纪90年代以来经济发展非常迅速, 在全国的地位不断上升, 且其产业结构也在逐步改善。外商投资在该区异常活跃, 投资规模越来越大, 2003年实际利用外资占全国的比例已达45.55%。该地区还是我国区域经济合作发展实施进程较快、力度较大、政府重视程度较高的地区。但长江三角洲在发展中仍存在不少问题, 如引进外资的整体层次不高、耕地流失严重且建设用地的集约化程度较低、能源缺口较大、交通运输紧张及生态环境恶化等。长江三角洲地区目前虽然出现了这些问题, 但不能由此而限制它的发展, 要充分利用长江三角洲有利的区位优势, 走可持续发展道路, 在发展中解决问题。具体应该做到要切实明确长江三角洲在全国区域经济分工中的地位, 在提高产业发展层次的同时, 不可放松对劳动密集型产业的发展, 并以科学发展观为指导, 加强土地资源和能源的管理, 加速环境保护和生态修复工作的进程。

关 键 词:长江三角洲  产业结构  土地  生态环境  

Situation and Suggestions of Sustainable Development in the Yangtze River Delta
Wang Zhixian,Yu Xiaogan,Xu Kefeng,LIN Kang. Situation and Suggestions of Sustainable Development in the Yangtze River Delta[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2005, 60(3): 381-391. DOI: 10.11821/xb200503004
Authors:Wang Zhixian  Yu Xiaogan  Xu Kefeng  LIN Kang
Affiliation:1. Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, CAS, Nanjing 210008, China;
2. Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, China;
3. Liaocheng University, Liaocheng 252000, China;
4. Qingdao Technological University, Qingdao 266033, China
Abstract:The Yangtze River Delta has developed very fast since the 1990s. Its s tatus ascends rapidly. Its GDP accounted for 12.53% of China in 1990 and increas ed to 19.45% in 2003. Since the 1980s, the courses of integrations in the Yangt ze River Delta have been accelerated because of contacts among the enterprises a nd cooperations among the governments of different cities. The stage of omnibear ing substantially associated development has started. However there are also som e problems in the process of development. The whole level of FDI is not so high though it is large on scale. Farmland loss is serious in the region, for example , 300 thousand hectares of farmland were used for other purposes from 1990 to 20 03, and the intensive degree of land in construction is lower. There is shortage in energy supply such as electrical insufficiency reaching 7.76 billion kilowat ts in Jiangsu Province in 2002. Ecological environment is deteriorative, the pol lution of water and atmosphere is very serious and geological disasters are also increasing. The water quality of stream channel and lakes in the Yangtze River Delta is type IV or V because of containing too much COD, BOD, N and P, except t he water quality of the sources of the Yangtze River and Qiantang River, some re servoirs, and most parts of Taihu Lake, which belong to types II-III and can be perceived as drinking water source. In view of the level of industry, a consider able part of the Yangtze River Delta still needs to develop labor-intensive indu stries. So it is necessary to reinforce the development of labor-intensive indus tries while improving the level of industrial development in the Yangtze River D elta in the future. In order to keep healthy sustainable development of society and economy and keep consistency with the national goal of development, we must confirm the status of the Yangtze River Delta in regional economy and make a rea sonable orientation of city function at first.
Keywords:the Yangtze River Delta  industrial structure  land  foreign investme nt  ecological environment
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