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Granulite-Facies Metamorphism, Granite Falls-Montevideo Area, Minnesota
Affiliation:Department of Geology and Minerology, University of Minnesota Minneapolis, U.S. A.
In the Granite Falls-Montevideo area, Minnesota, granulite faciesmineral assemblages were collected from three major lithologicunits—hornblende-pyroxene gneiss, garnet-biotite gneiss,and granitic gneiss. Mineral assemblages most commonly observedare: plagioclase-hornblende-orthopyroxene-clinopyroxene-magnetite-ilmenite-(biotite-quartz);quartz-plagioclase-biotite-garnet-orthopyroxene-(orthoclase);quartz-plagioclase-biotite-garnet-(orthoclase); quartz-plagioclase-microcline-(garnet-hematite);and quartz-plagio-clase-microcline-biotite-(garnet-hematite-rutile).Partial analyses of isomorphous phases from the hornblende-pyroxenegneiss and the garnet-biotite gneiss were determined with anelectron microprobe. Negligible compositional variation within single grains andof a particular mineral within a given specimen, regular distributionof Fe and Mg between coexisting hornblende, ortho-pyroxene,and clinopyroxene, obedience of the mineral assemblages to theGibbs Phase Rule, and lack of empirically determined incompatiblephases indicate a close approach to chemical equilibrium duringmetamorphism. Plots of coexisting biotite, garnet, and orthopyroxeneon an appropriate phase diagram result in some crossing tielines which cannot be adequately explained by temperature orpressure differences, but suggest that H2O and/or O2 were notperfectly mobile components during metamorphism. This is alsoindicated by interlayering of hornblende assemblages with pyroxeneassemblages and by different iron oxide phases in essentiallythe same mineral assemblage. Textural and chemical relationships of retrograde metamorphicassemblages suggest that some retrograde reactions are a resultof cooling following the granulite-facies metamorphism, butthat others may have resulted from recrystallization duringa stage of thermal metamorphism that is reflected in the potassium-argonand rubidium-strontium biotite ages of the metamorphic rocks.
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