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Phase Relationships of Hydrous Alkalic Magmas at High Pressures: Production of Nepheline Hawaiitic to Mugearitic Liquids by Amphibole-Dominated Fractional Crystallization Within the Lithospheric Mantle
Authors:Irving, Anthony J.   Green, David H.
Affiliation:1Department of Earth & Space Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA
2Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra, Act 2601, Australia
Experimental melting studies were conducted on a nepheline mugearitecomposition to pressures of 31 kbar in the presence of 0–30%added water. A temperature maximum in the near-liquidus stabilityof amphibole (with olivine) was found for a water content of3·5 wt % at a pressure of 14 kbar. This is interpretedto have petrogenetic significance for the derivation of nephelinemugearite magmas from nepheline hawaiite by amphibole-dominatedfractional crystallization at depth within the lithosphericmantle. Synthetic liquids at progressively lower temperaturesrange to nepheline benmoreite compositions very similar to thoseof natural xenolith-bearing high-pressure lavas elsewhere, andsupport the hypothesis that continued fractional crystallizationcould lead to high-pressure phonolite liquids. Independent experimentaldata for a basanite composition modeled on a lava from the sameigneous province (the Newer Basalts of Victoria) permit theinference that primary asthenospheric basanite magmas undergopolybaric fractional crystallization during ascent, and mayevolve to liquids ranging from nepheline hawaiite to phonoliteupon encountering cooler lithospheric mantle at depths of 42–50km. Such a model is consistent with the presence in some evolvedalkalic lavas of both lithospheric peridotite xenoliths indicativeof similar depths and of megacryst suites that probably representdisrupted pegmatitic segregations precipitated from precursoralkalic magmas in conduit systems within lithospheric mantle. KEY WORDS: experiment; high pressure; alkalic magmas; amphibole; nepheline mugearite; basanite; lithosphere
Keywords:: experiment   high pressure   alkalic magmas   amphibole   nepheline mugearite   basanite   lithosphere
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